
@Background Pony #467A  
1: (A) because whatever country you live in is sooo much better (assuming you live in another country)  
(B)then leave (assuming you live here)  
2: You consider these big? Pffft  
3: Fuck your supremacist shit!
Heroine Addict
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Pedantry Executive
Okay, is now a good time to mention that I watch it for the plans and nefarious schemes?
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Fine Arts - 150 uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

WOW, 5 pages of whatever you guys are saying? Really? I’m just gonna skip past 4 pages of this nonsense to say this:
“I watch it for the plot” started with anime, being akin to the well-known phrase of reading Playboy magazine “for the articles”, where whether or not it may be true, no one is gonna buy such a flimsy excuse because the suggestive/sexy content is so pronounced, that’s all people will notice firsthand.
Then, it started getting used for Friendship is Magic with this, yes this image, here: >>51085. It likely began as an argument against fans of the show, what with the ongoing stigma, and assumption that, with the fandom starting on 4chan adding to the case perhaps, the older fans got a more, well, physical enjoyment out of the show, rather than for actually enjoying the stories as we do.
Naturally, with the “no bucks given” attitude a lot of Bronies have, the phrase and image was then used just to spite the haters, getting so widespread that plot is basically synonymous with butts, as far as the fandom is concerned.
So, DESPITE the phrase having different origins and forms before, “plot = butts” is now, whether you agree or not, a phrase so deep rooted into the show, that it is the de facto form of phrasing, to fans of the show in the know, anyway, and this image may as well be blasphemy, or some less severe word I can’t think of because hey it’sstilljustashowaboutponieswhateverwhocaresetc.
Besides, if that weren’t enough, the breasts in EqG are so unnoticeable and unpronounced compared to butts in FiM, that this pic doesn’t work anyway.
Background Pony #88B2
Background Pony #7604
Aww, tits!
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
Yeah, because every other place on this planet is completely reasonable and logical….oh wait.
Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
I repeat, places like America make a big deal over nothing, in this case big breasts.
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
Never said the social aspect of society were in any way good…it’s just the way they are. Hopefully it will change one of these millennia.
Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
The sound of how that works vexes me. I rest my case.
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
Majority rule/mob mentality
Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
And who says what is the norm or not?
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
They’re not the norm. Society cares about what’s “normal”, they don’t cater to every individual perspective.
Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
With people and their fetishes shouldn’t almost everything be censored? I’m being serious.
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
You tell me, you were on of the three sides.
@Background Pony #467A  
If it became a social norm that eyes were considered sexual, and that sexual things should be censored, then I guess they would be censored as well. Everyone must now wear mirrored ski masks in public!!

Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
I said this logic where, “”>No woman parts but manly parts on the other hand…” is silly and insulting. So why the back and forth?
Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
Personal preference again.  
If people are aroused at eyes should eyes be censored out completely?  
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
Yes, the whole thing is silly, really not much can be done.
Background Pony #1C00
@Techy Pony  
Which is just silly, and falls under personal preference and so many other things I can’t even…
@Techy Pony  
As I had said before, the eqg designs are shit.
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
It IS entirely based on societal standards, that’s what we’re saying. We never said that societies ideas make perfect sense, only that those ideas are why people try to hide sexuality in cases like this.
Background Pony #1C00
@Background Pony #983D  
>Sexual doesn’t mean relating to a gender, it means relating to sexual intercourse and arousal.  
I gave you the definitions and again how are breasts any more “arousing” than muscles? You throw in the word arousal and society in there where this all falls under preference. At that point nothing even matters or makes sense since people prefer this or that or this turns them on and this doesn’t; and what you’re saying isn’t even relevant if it doesn’t fall under any real definition.
Techy Pony

@Background Pony #467A  
I was just talking from an evolutionary stand point. Yes muscles are in a sense sexualized, just not as much as breasts which is what is of concern here.