A shown, that picture was before she graduated.
The Mane Six would have been older by then, not fillies since Sunset left before Shining or Cadence graduated.
Cheerilee would be older, but not that older.
Besides, what are the chances of Shining being as old as Big Mac?
The only flashback of Shining would be before Twilight gained her cutie mark.
That flashback might have happened years before the Sonic Rainboom incident.
Wine doesn’t get older, it only matures with age.
Hundreds upon hundreds of years of age…
One thousand? Two? Who knows?
Do you dare open the bottle, or do you keep the cork shut on this mystery?
Just how old is Cheerilee? In the comics, she’s a teenager in high school with Cadance and Shining Armor. Cadance foalsits Twilight. Twilight was shown as the same age as Pinkie Pie in Chronicles, where Cheerilee was also shown in Rarity’s story in the class play.
Yay age inconsistencies!
She is the watcher, the drunken keeper of time, sleepily dragging her way through life, ensuring that all things happen in their proper place. She is, was and always will be until the time when all time ends.
Something does not make sense here. Cheerilee is shown as a filly here but i the comic it was shown she is much older than Twilight andof course, Pinkie. She was 80’s Cheerilee in what I would assume was the 80’s and was shown to be fairly mature even back then. So does this mean Pinkie and supposedly the rest of the mane 6 are living in some sort of time warp?