Fluttershy: Nopony except me! Exodia, obliterate!
Scootaloo: Hey Rainbow, is it time for my cameo yet?
Rainbow Dash: How… How could you summon Exodia?
Fluttershy: Rainbow, if you really wish to know…then talk to the hoof!
Rainbow Dash: AHHHHHH!!!! gets mind crushed
Spike: wakes up I wet myself.
@Rpground Game series created by the same people who started MTG based on kongregate (but not one of those pay-rl-monies-for-cards shit like the yugioh one, it’s a standalone fully complete game. I will say that phoenix does need a mild nerfing, because they are pretty much an impenetrable wall in the right conditions.)
@chaos15 @Pinkie967
I’m gonna be honest, if I played or was invested into yugioh like other CCG’s I’d be one of those guys sporting a deck or two focused on Exodia…no reason other then because it’s hilarious and the off chance of getting an instant win cause I drew all 5 pieces. P:
Exodia is quite usable, and there are more decks for it than even I knew, and I look into these things. Some of them are old formats though. http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Exodia_OTK
The stupidest, but most hilarious deck I’ve ever seen…apparently it has indeed happened in a tourny, but I’ve found very little information about it…must be old or something…
WHAT?! Since when do tournies NOT ban those types of cards!? I know of no other CCG that does that…WHAT THE FLYING FUCK YUGIOH!?
So you’re telling me that what I just described has probably happened at one point…and it’s allowed…I’m sorry, but those people are idiots! What kind of tourny doesn’t just outright ban the “Insta-win” cards!?
There are tournaments specifically designed for “fair play.” That’s called sealed pack play. Then there’s the championships, which is where you go if you wanna spend the money to win.
Yes, well done, fantastic game design. ‘I have a hand of super rare cards, so I win.’ That’s not skill, it’s rewarding spending the most money.
I’m not calling the players of CCGs stupid, just the distribution model. It’s a game, not a pack of baseball cards. Level the playing field and sell fixed expansions like every other game does these days. The CCG model is like playing Chess where you have a starter set of a few pawns, maybe a bishop and a knight and another guy has a board full of queens and rooks because he bought a case of booster packs. Lame.