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((Listen up, class!
If you didnt hear already, a young boy, Michael Morones recently tried to take his own life after being bullied for being a brony. I cant fully express how not-okay this is, and he needs your help now.
Recovery Fund Paypal:
His Facebook:
Any donations you can make towards his recovery, kind words, anything you can send is appreciated, and should be done ASAP. Thank you for your time.
The Intern))
Haters, see this… He’d better pull through… Because if he doesn’t, it’s war!!!
I get that you’re “living up to your username”, or whatever, but knock it off.
The boy you punched in the hall today, Committed suicide a few min ago.
That girl you called a slut in class today, she’s a virgin.
The boy you called lame, He has to work every night to support his family.
That girl you pushed down the other day is already being abused at home.
That boy you made fun of is now in a coma.
You think you know them.
Guess what, you don’t.
Re-post if you are against bullying.
It’s because of some worthless excuse for a human being trolling about this.
The mods will deal with you in time.
Godwin’s Law.
Obvious troll is obvious.
The boy you punched in the hall today, Committed suicide a few min ago.
That girl you called a slut in class today, she’s a virgin.
The boy you called lame, He has to work every night to support his family.
That girl you pushed down the other day is already being abused at home.
That boy you made fun of is now in a coma.
You think you know them.
Guess what, you don’t.
Re-post if you are against bullying.
For the record, the tweet is here.
I do hope that this is not in fact a scam, and I hope that Tara’s tweet is enough evidence against this. However even if it was a scam, while the amount of money raised then lost would suck, it is good to see so many people willing to help someone in need.
Don’t get me wrong - genuine charity is good - but I always end up thinking about the inevitable cases where the parties involved suffer in silence.
Just found the tweet where Tara Strong says she talked to Michael (who’s in a coma) and his family, but didn’t see anything about her visiting in person, so I’d guess it was a phone call.
No one’s trying to save the world with this, just make sure this kid can get decent medical treatment.
Don’t be so sure… There was a bullying case recently where the parents of the victim are suing her bullies for harassment and the bullies’ parents for neglect.
Kids are cruel you know. Certainly those who buy into institutionalized gender boundaries, which this boy has fallen afoul of. Despite what some might think, the manner of thinking of these bullies is not likely to disappear in our lifetimes, which leads to problems like this. I can’t imagine what sort of reprimand would deter would-be bullies in these circumstances, people will always find a reason to turn on each other.
The fandom can get motivated about this if it wants to but this problem is far too ingrained in society to be fixed by something so small as a donation drive. If people want to help this kid then they’re free to do so, but who knows how long it will be until something like this crops up again?
Also, those tumblr SJW groups are a waste of e-space. They aren’t fit to tackle real-world problems of any kind so they make do with their own perceived problems in real life (like a man holding a door open for a woman, for example) and/or fictional works that don’t otherwise affect their lives in any way.
“Never be who you real are out of fear that people will hate you for it”… pretty much.
And what, exactly, is that supposed to mean?