@Background Pony #0D84 Still find it funny how practically nothing on FoE has been nulled by worldbuilding since then aside from where griffins live. Das good writin’ yo.
@Background Pony #0D84
that would make sense, seeing as how Equestria is modeled after North America, and it points across the sea to the east to where Griffons are
And you know what? That’s just fine. People still draw Vinyl Scratch with red irises, because that’s what they want to do. People still call the muscular white pegasus “Snowflake” or “Roid Rage” instead of the canonical Bulk Biceps, because they like that name better.
In the words of the almighty Nick Fury
“I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it.”
@Crowley But not more than the show, which is a good thing as they really really blow goat nuts. Also not more than good fanfic, since they’re really just bad fanfic ‘comickised’
I gotta say. It really bugs me that they two females didn’t end up with G names. This fandom has really started to bug me with it’s habits regarding characters names.
If you want to upvote the names you like, you need to create a Reddit account, yes. It’s no harder than my “hard” decision to finally make an account on this website.
And if anyone wonders “Why bother? What’s the point of voting on Reddit if we voted here?”, the answer is that this is for the FiM wiki’s list of characters, for placeholder names. Many people use the “List of ponies” article to refer to the names of background ponies when writing fan fictions or doing other creative works where they need to know names. Having consistent, unified fandom names for unnamed characters helps to connect everything together and be less confusing for content consumers in the fandom.
So my suggestion would be to go to those three Reddit name polls (and maybe others, for ponies, while you’re at it) and upvote the names that won (1st or 2nd) in this poll so that everyone is happy. (And by “everyone”, I kind of mean the people who voted in this poll.)
Gah, not my choice for the two females! Oh well, democracy wins… though if I was to ever write my own fanfictions (which I don’t), I’ll use Geneieve and Greta. Forever shall they remain in my heart.
Viktoria, Natalya, and Tavish McGroot are my vote, in that order. I don’t care if votign is over,t hose are my headcanon until proven otherwise by Hasbro.