Nice Collection! I had a feeling that you and Rarity will have a long and fruitful life! Also, I had a dream I met Luna in the dream world. Is it possible that maybe, Luna is trying to communicate to me? I know it sounds wierd, I just want to know if I’m not the only one.. Send me a reply and I’ll get back to you soon! :)
@Obsessive Rarity Fan
Does that mean I am considered an equal to you? I will do anything for Twilight, she is basically my life. She is the only thing I really care about and love.
Unlike you though, I believe she is in Equestria. Which is why I am completely dedicating my life on working on a way to get to Equestria.
@Background Pony #84BE
If you love a pony so strongly that you consider her or him to be more than just a waifu, but a soul mate, a real person, and are willing to dedicate your life to them and stick up for that love no matter what people say - only then will you be considered our equal.
Though if you do find our haunts in the corners of the ’Net, we shall welcome you.
@Background Pony #6C93
Trixie Lover is already a member of our “secret society” under the same name, though I can’t say the same for Marauder. Both are bona fied pony-lovers, I can assure you.
Truth be I have a unicorn fetish, though after consulting with my friends I found that an Earth Pony would best represent myself.
@Background Pony #6C93
In a nutshell, Obsessive Trixie Lover is a Mexican who has Trixie living with him. I am currently working on a portal to Equestria so I may be with Twilight.
Us two are the new Jin and Obsessive Rarity Fan type of people.
…Say, umm. Obsessive Trixie Lover and Equestrian Marauder… who are you both? This is Lurker, just not logged in atm. I don’t think I recognize either of you.
Thanks, I’m sending you a message now. Once you respond I will send another one almost immediately. This is very important to me.