Arguably - and by no means I mean necessarily bad - this nearly-2 page spread is just jokes. There’s no “plot development” at all. It’s funny to catch anything, but in regards to the text before and after, it’s completely filler. Same thing here in the Big Mac arc: the “wander through fair”, and both Tealove and Fleetfoots memory spots are funny spot gags but are just fillers at the end of the days.
Compare that to the one from the Neigh Anything arc: (here >>439390 (merged) ), that while there are still jokes, there’s a few major plot elements there: Cadance falling in love with Shining, and the efforts Shining + friends went to on the performance.
I’m not saying pointless spreads with pop culture jokes are bad, but that’s 2 pages of what could have been more story plot elsewhere. As long as the story doesn’t need those pages, that’s fine, but it can hurt a story that’s already running tight.
Not always. When done right, I always love me some references (Like in Nightmare Rarity’s Arc). But… I think a little too much of anything can get annoying at times.
@Starlight Storm
you know what is your problem? you take this too damn seriously, like you are reading this with a magnificent glass or something, all those references are just background things, most of the readers didn’t even notice them unless they look hard enough or have a big pop culture knowledge, they don’t affect the plot, they are just decorations.
Oh, why i am doing this? i can’t change the way you are…
next issue will come out and you will complain about the same subject…and again…and again…and again…
I meant distracting from the plot. You end up wondering “what the hell is that character doing in Equestria?!”
For example, the monsters in Issue #4. What the hell are they doing there? Do they work for Chrysalis? Is the castle home of all of them? Do they all represent a treat for Equestria?
You forget that the story is about the Mane 6 fighting Chrysalis.
BUT I have to admit that even distracting cameos can work like in Big Mac’s arc.
The problem is that’s almost the only thing Price and Cook are relaying more and more: Putting as many references as possible, and some just end feeling forced or totally unnecessary and in the worst cases completely distracting.
@Starlight Storm
You don’t seem to appreciate it.
On the contrary, I think it’s awesome.
If I get a reference, I’m happy.
If I don’t, but I recognize it is, I can google it and know something about it.
And I don’t, nothing is lost.
I know, It’s almost like he can’t draw a goddamned comic without referencing all the stuff he likes even if the readers won’t get the forced jokes!