I guess belly rubs for Pinkie Pie, Lyra, and Derpy, and a peck on the forehead for one of the CMC. Or maybe drop one of the belly rubs and give pecks on the forehead to all the crusaders. Giving a belly rub to Lyra definitely sounds fun though. She likes hands so she’d probably be thrilled.
…What? I’m a girl, even if I was attracted to ponies there aren’t any stallions (unless you can ask Chrysalis to transform), and there isn’t much in the way of non-romantic options to choose from here. :c
I’m a little surprised there aren’t any mean options you can buy. I bet a few people would pay to yell at/punch/etc. Trixie, Lightning Dust, or maybe Twist (not that she’s done anything to deserve it, but she does have haters).