Oh goodness, you’re right! Ponies would be writing to Luna every episode, and we’d be lucky to see Celestia more than once a season! (at first, at least!)
Has the fandom ever agreed what “Nightmare Celestia” would be called? I’ve heard “Corona Blaze” in one version. (I could swear having had this discussion recently, too!)
pre•ten•tious (prɪˈtɛn ʃəs)
adj. 1. full of pretension; characterized by the assumption of dignity, importance, artistic distinction, etc.
2. making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious; showy.
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Bolded the definition he seems to be using the word in.
We need one episode to be like this. Just air it without any sort of explanation as to what happened. Even change the intro scene to be performed by Trixie and her friends.