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  1. twiztidklown78

    twiztidklown78 Porn Star

    Oct 1, 2008
    This is a serious inquiry and something on my mind today as I had a woman tell me she won't play with me because I identify as Straight. In my mid 40s now and attracted to transgender women, but so long as they look female and not like men. I don't mind they have a dick, not 100% sure at the moment if I'd suck on one. But I have had thoughts of fucking them and jerk off to them fucking women as well as cumming on themselves. I am sure I can go on and on about the subject somewhat but just wondering if this would be considered being Bi or not. I know I am not gay as I enjoy women way to much and it is my go to for porn.
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    2. twiztidklown78
      No actually fucking would be involved. It was in a sex chat room.
      twiztidklown78, Dec 11, 2023
    3. rodrider
      You should go for it. I would love it if my wife were open to the idea of adding a guy into the mix. Im sure we would all have fun
      rodrider, Dec 24, 2023
      phxbi_bear80 likes this.
  2. Interestingbabe50

    Interestingbabe50 Sex Machine

    May 8, 2022
    No it doesn't make you anything but a person with deep freaky fantasies you want to cum good and do sexy things and everyone should be able to do something really nasty in their life. I've tried to stay away from your exact thoughts but I'd love to be the woman in this story fuck it's so sexy I can't resist it if help you and we can explore anything and much more
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  3. LittleLass

    LittleLass Sex Machine

    Jan 7, 2016
    You are attracted to trans women, and you are attracted to cis women, but you are not attracted to men. That means you are attracted to two genders, and as bi means two, then yes - you're bisexual.

    The definition has moved on over the years. When bisexual was first coined, only male and female genders were recognized. So those who are bi like both. These days, there are a few gender identities, which is why people can now identify as pansexual if it really doesn't matter, or stick with bisexual if it's just a few they find appealing.
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    1. twiztidklown78
      Thank you. I had not really looked up or thought of what the definition of being Bi was, but that does make sense.
      twiztidklown78, Dec 11, 2023
      LittleLass likes this.
  4. Dirty jedi

    Dirty jedi Believe the hype Banned!

    Dec 27, 2021
    Yes, next question
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  5. Ifwetry

    Ifwetry Porn Star

    Mar 23, 2023
    Everyone is bisexual, most just hide behind their fear of the world finding out.
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  6. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    Fetlife also has heteroflexible as a category: Basically straight but can be attracted to the same sex or gender.

    It's not uncommon for straight men to be attracted to transwomen and passable crossdressers.
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  7. phxbi_bear80

    phxbi_bear80 Abu el Banat

    May 29, 2019
    It's just a label that doesn't matter in the end. You should explore your sexuality so that you don't have regrets later on in life...
    Even if it ends up being something you're not into, at least you know!
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  8. Sarah L. Q.

    Sarah L. Q. Porn Star

    Sep 12, 2018
    Why do so many people worry about a sexual label to define them? Diversity is in the name of the game so enjoy it
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  9. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    Not Gay_01 XN FL.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 4
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    1. twiztidklown78
      Why post this? It's not funny. It's ignorant and unhelpful to anyone.
      twiztidklown78, Dec 13, 2023
    2. speakeasy
      Unhelpful is yet another "I'm not attracted to men but I like dick" threads.
      speakeasy, Dec 14, 2023
      Volt_4 likes this.
    3. twiztidklown78
      This thread had nothing at all to do with anyone else but myself and questioning my sexuality. Some people's responses was very helpful.
      twiztidklown78, Dec 14, 2023
      rodrider likes this.
    4. speakeasy
      I have no problem with your sexuality.
      It bugs me though when people ask questions like "Am I gay", "Am I bi", etc. and if someone answers they catch shit for "labeling".
      Just be who you are and don't worry about what pigeon hole people want to put you in.
      I get up to a lot of things some of my friends and neighbors don't know about. It's none of their business.
      Usually when someone asks the straight/bi/gay questions, I ask them how they define those terms themselves.
      speakeasy, Dec 14, 2023
      Volt_4 likes this.
    5. twiztidklown78
      That I can appreciate. The only thing I've ever know about bisexuality is liking men and women, not if you like women and transgenders. That is why I posted this to get others thoughts on the subject.
      twiztidklown78, Dec 14, 2023
      speakeasy likes this.
  10. lustylewdfairy

    lustylewdfairy Porn Surfer

    Jun 12, 2023
    Trans women are women, just a different kind of women, so if you are attracted to cis and trans women you're still only attracted to women. As someone who has done a lot of LGBT education and helped support a lot of LGBT youth and adults, I would say that what you're describing is that you are bi-curious. There are plenty of ways to explore that kind of sexuality. I realized I was bi when I was watching porn and I realized that I was watching it for the guys as well as the girls. You could also experiment through things like sexting or writing your own stories and see what gets you going and what doesn't. As for your age, which I assume since you included it is part of why you are nervous about all this, you're never too old to learn things about yourself. My mom who just turned 50 came out as bi earlier this year. And if you're not bi, then that's fine too. Don't feel pressured to turn yourself into something you're not just because you got rejected by a few people. Believe me, as a trans woman, I understand how hard that can be, but sacrificing yourself for a date or a hookup is never worth it. Good luck with all this, and I hope I was able to help some.
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    1. twiztidklown78
      Not nervous at all about the idea of I might be Bi. I just put my age in there as a matter of perspective. Since I hot 40 I have been more open to other thoughts and fetishes, most of which are unexplored outside of setting with someone. About half of what I am into I could not share with my partner due to knowing their preferences on the matter without needing to openly talk about it. They think feet are disgusting and are against Trans people. She is very vanilla and never had anal sex till she got together with me. Our sex life now is non-existant.
      twiztidklown78, Dec 15, 2023
  11. LittleLass

    LittleLass Sex Machine

    Jan 7, 2016
    I think I would disagree with you slightly where you say that trans women are just women - in this particular instance. When it comes to someone questioning their own preferences and sexual identity, I don't think we can say that as a blanket statement.

    If he lady in question is fully post op, and has fully transitioned - then absolutely. She's 100% a woman when it comes to someone else's sexuality. So a straight man who fancies her is still a straight man.

    Where things become confusing, as in this case, is when a lady has not had bottom surgery - for whatever her reason may be. Because then a straight man has an extra appendage to get his head around, and rationalise within his own sexuality. In this case, the lady, while still recognised as a woman, has an added extra that a fully straight man probably wouldn't be able to accept.

    Being trans is used as a gender identity. You rarely see someone saying simply I'm a man or I'm a woman, it's usually I'm a trans man, or I'm a trans woman. Which is why I gave the answer I did above.

    Hope that makes sense. Lol. Got distracted halfway through. Intrigued to know your thoughts though!
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  12. notdescriptive

    notdescriptive motorcyclist

    Sep 23, 2007
    I'd like to empathize the importance of your comment: "You should explore your sexuality so that you don't have regrets later on in life..."
    Yes! Explore. Satisfy your curiosity. You will not regret that you did. You will regret that you didn't.
    Do it. There's one life for each of us. Don't pass up the ability to satisfy your sexual wants and curiosities.
    Memories of things you've experienced are a comfort. Regrets over things you never did, but could have, produce sadness and sorrow.
    There's one life for each of us. Live it.
    Sexual experiences that I could have avoided are now the ones I highly value.
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    1. phxbi_bear80
      Well said my friend!
      phxbi_bear80, Dec 20, 2023
      Volt_4 likes this.
  13. pantyguy77

    pantyguy77 Porno Junky

    Sep 25, 2010
    Ever heard of the Kinsey scale? Almost everyone is bi to some degree, even if they never act on it.
  14. bob1

    bob1 Sex Machine

    Jan 18, 2007
    The hangup most have is in defining "attraction." If you are heterosexual but like sucking dick, some would call that bi-sexual. But is it? If you are not attracted emotionally or physically to the person whose dick you are sucking, I'd argue that you are not truly bi. Gay men are into making love with each other, with kissing, ass fucking and living with each other. Some bi-sexual men may go that far, but not all. So it's really a spectrum, and we all fall somewhere along that. I don't think we actually have a word for heterosexual men who also suck cock. It's HMWASC.
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    TWIZTIDFREAK69 Porno Junky

    May 17, 2023
    1. twiztidklown78
      Where did this fake stuff come from?
      twiztidklown78, Dec 17, 2023
  16. Bisexual69

    Bisexual69 Porn Star

    Nov 2, 2020
    Da, sunt bisexual
  17. LoveBangin

    LoveBangin Porn Star

    Apr 12, 2018
    Experimenting doesn't make you anything but curious. If it becomes a way of life then that's a bit different.
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  18. Telexto5

    Telexto5 Amateur

    Dec 12, 2023
    Honestly you like what you like. Ignore the labels. Live your life the way you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else.
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