>But Shining is just a unicorn, not even an Element of Magic.
Love. He’s half of the element of love. Even if he’s not, Chrysalis power up from his love, and in a world were friendship is used as a weapon to defeate monsters more powerful than Celestia… yeah.
>Celestia is an alicorn.
Alicorn is a fanon term that has nothing to do with the actual canon. even in the first episode called Luna a unicorn, alicorn is never uttered once ever.
Celestia’s not even a god, she’s a princess that’s simply stronger than normal. The only thing going for the god thing is that ponies say “In the name of Celestia!” but people forget that it’s a monarch society, and the ruler is treated as if they were gods. The other thing is that she can raise the sun… but so could a small group of unicorns, so it’s just a spell she can do, that’s all.
Just try to separate canon from fanon (maybe even do some research on the subject before hand) and everything will be fine.
But, who did say the princesses are the most powerful beings in the world. Discord was stronger than they. I thinks there are still powerfuk being able to face the princesses.