Background Pony #AA8A
“Violence and murder get taken seriously”
Bullshit, they do. Do you have any idea how many jokes there are about hurting/killing people? A lot. I’d say there are even more about that than rape. Even as a kid, what did you shout when you were about to hit someone? “I’m gonna kill you!”
“But joking about rape isn’t okay”
Why? Because it’s “offensive” or “objectionable”? Well, that’s the very idea of humor-be as offensive as you can be. Just google 9/11 jokes and see what I mean. There are tons of them. But, unlike rape jokes, there’s no public outcry. What makes rape jokes so vulgar compared to jokes about murder, or race, or sex? Because all of those things happen, yet the only thing people ultimately care about are rape jokes. Care to explain why?
Rule 34; if it exists, there is porn of it. Nothing is immune from being completely twisted into something utterly despicable. See also; Cupcakes, Cheerilee’s Garden, Stick Bucket of Fun, etc. And those actually promote sexual assault and violence in the most brutal ways possible. ASM makes jokes about it, while these things don’t even try to pass them off as jokes-they’re there for the shock value, to make people squirm. So what makes them okay? Is it because they aren’t “trivializing” the issue? I can assure you, they are. And these things won’t stop just because you wish for them to stop-there’s something called the First Amendment that protects the right to make them.
tl;dr: get off your high horse.
“Violence and murder get taken seriously”
Bullshit, they do. Do you have any idea how many jokes there are about hurting/killing people? A lot. I’d say there are even more about that than rape. Even as a kid, what did you shout when you were about to hit someone? “I’m gonna kill you!”
“But joking about rape isn’t okay”
Why? Because it’s “offensive” or “objectionable”? Well, that’s the very idea of humor-be as offensive as you can be. Just google 9/11 jokes and see what I mean. There are tons of them. But, unlike rape jokes, there’s no public outcry. What makes rape jokes so vulgar compared to jokes about murder, or race, or sex? Because all of those things happen, yet the only thing people ultimately care about are rape jokes. Care to explain why?
Rule 34; if it exists, there is porn of it. Nothing is immune from being completely twisted into something utterly despicable. See also; Cupcakes, Cheerilee’s Garden, Stick Bucket of Fun, etc. And those actually promote sexual assault and violence in the most brutal ways possible. ASM makes jokes about it, while these things don’t even try to pass them off as jokes-they’re there for the shock value, to make people squirm. So what makes them okay? Is it because they aren’t “trivializing” the issue? I can assure you, they are. And these things won’t stop just because you wish for them to stop-there’s something called the First Amendment that protects the right to make them.
tl;dr: get off your high horse.