Background Pony #2488
Sweetie Belle got me pregnant?????

Celestia goes into labor during our bedroom encounter.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -

One Piece Aficionado
Princess Luna goes into labor during a bedroom encounter with you.
I could only call for the royal midwives unless Luna uses the Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice to do so. Otherwise, just try to keep her as calm as possible, taking deep breaths.
Background Pony #21D0
“Cheerilee goes into labor during a bedroom encounter with you.”  
I could provide emotional support, but other than that, I’d be just about useless in that situation.  
Though I suppose that’s still more useful than some husbands and baby-daddies are to their wives and baby-mommas while in labor.  
Also, June 1st wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Background Pony #6704
Nurse Redheart goes into labour while having a bedroom encounter with me. At least she has the right occupation to get through it!
Ba'al Pungo

So Cheerilee and I go into hiding as every other mare goes into heat.
Hope she likes playing Rimworld and EUIV…

I become pregnant with Silverspoon…
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

Some random brony
After months of searching, you find Scootaloo in an isolated cottage surrounded by foals and expecting more  
oh dear
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Chrysalis kidnaps and infests Sunset Shimmer with changeling larva. First of all, GROSS! Second of all, no way am I touching that stuff! I’ma let her die!
Artist -

I get pregnant with nightmare moon…I don’t even right now
Background Pony #4E44
Chrysalis kidnaps and infests Applejack with changeling larva… Well, this is awkward.
Background Pony #5169
(Hitler dinner scene parody start)  
Rarity is pregnant with Cloudchaser…  
Out of all the pegasi, Cloudchaser.  
Dust, jah, that arrogant imbecile.  
Flitter, jah, magnificent little bastard.  
All the others JAH JAH JAH JAH JAH.  
But Cloudchaser. I’ve placed my doubts right.  
Rarity’s been cheating on me for her;  
And even got PREGNANT!  
This is beyond my limits!  
Bring me Fegelein.  
>Why Fegelein mein fuhrer?  
He is the antic master, he must have been involved.
Background Pony #1524
I find candance in an isolated cottage. jesus crist Shining armor!

i become pregnant with Diamond Tiara.  
I’m a guy, but i guess i can raise her better.
Background Pony #D852
I’m down with this. Jan 21st. Considering I have a certain fet word for oviposition… and Princess Luna…
Oh what a dirty mind I have
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.

Pretty Preening Pegasus
Nov 15  
Every mare in Equestria goes into heat and you decide to escape and hide with: Princess Celestia
Alright. Not my first choice, but at least I don’t hate her.
Background Pony #4BF9
Jan 1  
I’m down with it
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Me: If you ladies will excuse me, I’m going to dig my own grave.
Twilight: That bad, huh?
Me: I got you and your foalsitter pregnant, not to mention that she’s MARRIED to your Brother. There’s no way I’m going to survive him when he finds out his wife and his LSBFF SLEPT with me.
Twilight: Logic aside, what about our kid!?!

Applejack returned from a long absence carrying my future children? Seems suspect but she is the element of honesty…screw it I’ll take my chances with her.
Background Pony #B2AD
“After months of searching, you find Rainbow Dash in an isolated cottage surrounded by foals and expecting more” I suppose all of these would suck though (looks at other possibilities)
Eeyup. I was screwed no matter what.

I got a half-human foal with Derpy.  
Could’ve been worse.

@Nicolas Cage #65D8  
Y is whoever is above or below your date unless it specifies.
Background Pony #CB72
Sweetie Belle is pregnant because of me? Um…and who is Y?
Somber Star
Whatever bird that's dumber than a duck. Imagine I made the effort to research that and make a new badge for it. - Either a complete retard or a full time moron, it's hard to tell which and frankly I don't care either way

Half-human foal with Luna…
Background Pony #875C
Whoever has December, pray that it’s not an alien. 0_0