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Thanks, but I can’t take all of the credit. I was mostly going off of memory of that scene as well as re-veiwing the original scene. I just thought it’d make sense seeing as it had been redone in diffrent formats like Legos and the like.
But I think Sunset makes the best Jason Todd seeing as both had a falling-out with their mentors and have anger issues.

Celestia: Sunset, I wasn’t able to save you then…that’s why I’m trying to save you now.
Sunset: You think that’s what this is about? I know what’s worse? Your guilt or your antuiquated sense of morality! Tia I forgive you for not saving me. But what I can’t understand is why? In the entire land of Equestria… IS HE STILL ALIVE?!?!?!
Discord: (chuckles) Gotta give the kid points! She made it all the way back from the grave to make this shindig happen! Who’s got a camera? Ooh ooh! How about getting one with me and the kid first, then the three of us, then one with me and the crowbar, then…WHACK AGH!!!
Sunset: You be as quiet as possible or I’m putting the next one where the sun don’t shine.
Discord: Party Pooper. No cake and ice cream for you.
Sunset: Ignoring all that he’s done in the past, blindingly, ignroantly disregarding the mass graveyards he’s filled, those of he hurt, the freinds he crippled!? You know I thought…I thought I’d be the last pony you’d let him hurt. If it had been you he’d beaten to a bloody pulp? If he had taken you from this world? I would have done *nothing but scour the lands of this pathetic evil pile of chaos worshiping garbage. AND SEND HIM STRAIGHT TO OBLIVION!!! *
Celestia: You Don’t understand. I don’t think you ever understood.
Sunset :What. What your morale code won’t allow it. It’s just too hard to cross that line?
Celestia:NO!!! Maker allmighty no. It’d be too damn simple. All I’ve ever wanted to do is kill him. Not a day goes by where I don’t constantly think about subjecting him through every type of horrendous torture he has dealt unto others and then…end him.
Discord: D’awww. So you do think about me.
Celestia: But if I do that. If I allow myself to go into that place…there would be no coming back.
Sunset: Why? I’m not talking about killing Chrysalis or Tirek, or Sombra! I’m talking about killing him! JUST HIM!!! and doing it because…because he took hme awy from you.
Celestia: I can’t. I’m sorry.
Discord : That is sooo sweet.
Sunset: Well you won’t have a choice.
Celestia: I won’t-
Sunset: This is what it’s all been about. This! You and me and HIM! Now is the time you decide! If you wont end this psychotic peice of trash then I will! If you want to stop me your going to have to kill me!
Celestia: You know I won’t-
Sunset: I’m going to blow his warped brains out and if you wanto stop it your going to have to shoot me! RIGHT IN MY FACE!!!
Discord: This is turning out even better than I had hoped.

Someone needs to re-enact that stand off scene between Jason Todd and Batman when they’re both in that one abandoned building with the Joker.
Sunset Shimmer as Jason Todd
Celestia as Bruce Wayne
And Discord as the Joker.

Hey this might give a few good ideas! :D
In the dark city of Arkham. A mysterious portal opens in a small alleyway to reveal a very young filly named Sunset lay stranded and alone in the city of Arkham…until she’s found by a lone wolf of the night. A man who once fought along side the dark knight and that man was…  
Jason Todd: sees the poor cute young filly Sunset laying cold on the ground. He sigh
“I hate always being the super nice guy to folks…especially if its ponies…”
smiles a little and picks up the little Sunset and covers her with his coat jacket and takes her home and later on they create a glorious bond of father and daughter crim fighting team of all time. Thanks to Sunset, she has open Jason’s heart to enjoying his life as a happy vigilante killer/father. The End…unless princess Celestia has something to say about it. ;)