@Background Pony
He was put into a device that changes the universal constants of the universe and it not only survived, but it seemed like it enjoyed the experience. They have considered nuking 682, but seeing as it survived this, it is more likely that it will just adapt to it and then use these adaptations to kill us all.
173 was the first SCP created on the wiki. Due to its IRL historical status, it is more likely that in a fight between 173 and 682 that the writers would decide to decommission 682 than decommission 173.
Then why is 682 still there?…Seriously though, how unkillable he is, is ridiculous, I guess him actually being scared of 173 takes some sue points off though.
@Background Pony
What the SCP Foundation would probably do is, as you said, contain or attempt to contain Discord. From there, they would then consider how much they could learn from experimenting on Discord vs the expenses of containment. If the expenses outweighed the benefits, they would proceed with decommissioning. If they could convince Discord to join them, they would probably keep him around.
The real reason most reality benders are decommissioned is because most reality benders in the SCP universe are Mary Sues, just plain stupid or are self-inserts and thus most writers want to get rid of them.
No no no. This flailing around scratching is a terrible way to fight. The proper way to fight is to wait until she’s walking home and brain her over the head with a tire iron when she idn’t looking, or failing that punch her in the exposed throat.