@Beau Skunky
I don’t get it either. It’s THEIR franchise, they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, we really have no right to complain that it isn’t to ‘our’ standards. We should be grateful they give us what they do already and not expect perfection to our crazy little imaginations.
Second largest. And I’m sure they resent the fact that they own 95% of popular toys in one way or another, but still can’t compete with Barbie and GI Joe.
Bronies took over from their originally intended demographic and they started targeting a lot of their merchandise toward us. They gotta have something to sell to little girls, right?
For once, I agree with you. We’re going to get a decent but likely forgettable movie based on this and the toy line is going to bomb harder than anything has before.
@Beau Skunky
I agree, it’s like everyone has such low confidence and fears something that should not be feared. There WILL still be a season 4, there will still be ponies, what’s the big deal?
@Beau Skunky
Some people don’t want it to be tainted. I don’t really care how it turns out as long as there is decent animations, but this fact would probably be very comforting to someone who dislikes EqG.
I’m actually relieved that they look crappy. There is a high chance that they will get lost in the sea of pink plastic that is the girls’ aisle, and that means we won’t be heading about EQG for long.
I don’t get why people want E.G. to fail, they said it’s not going to effect the main MLP:FiM show/toy-line. Girls still like ponies, so they’ll still make them, and the pony show.
This is just an “extra” line, like those Ninja Turtle action figures of them in different campy outfits, and such.