What’s more, if you get sick as a result of eating such food, you cannot press charges against the food company. Meaning that you do not have the legal right to health as a result of eating food you don’t even know you’re eating, they can poison you, without having to tell you, and no court will let you seek recourse.
I’m sorry if I sound skeptic, but that’s so vague and generic I don’t really buy it. Maybe you could point out some study or research or other source of information?
@Background Pony
They make Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) otherwise known as “frankenfood”. They do it to increase crop output as well as grow animals to larger sizes, however the health effects on both the people eating them as well as the environment can be dangerous.
Oh little-known fact: Thanks to bribes “lobbying” in congress from these types of companies, GMO’s can be put in your food and are not legally required to be listed as such as long as the whole product itself is not GMO, so if something is made with 99% GMO’s they can sell it and not have to tell you.