@Beau Skunky
Isn’t that the point. It’s not a safe place. Heck Peach got kidnapped by guys on the moon. But there is the underground city. Which is a tourist trap. For a treasure. Behind a door that’s been around for 1000 years. So it has that, plus Petalburg is nice unless you get eaten by the dragon. Huh it’s not a nice place.
Yeah, though Rogueport doesn’t seem that safe.
(Yes, this is from the Japanese version of the game. They edited out the chalk outline, and blood stains for the USA version. Yet, they left the blood on the enemy sprites in “EarthBound,” like the Kraken’s teeth,” and the Mondo Mole’s claws, and the final boss for 2 Kirby games.)
Super Mario Sunshine needs a rerelease. I actually liked that game.
@The Smiling Pony
dunno, just my personal theory
(I mean, it feels kinda plausible, it feels great to wear sandals, buuuut, that certain medical condition may be a weeee bit hard to conceal in summer months without severe fashion transgressions :D)
Dunno, the many unicorns in the Germane forest (considered to be hippies by Canterlot unique corns^ ) wouldn’t be new to Shining or K-Dense,
and the talking blonde garden gnomes might get on their nerves with their (not occasionally crazy, that’s stereotypical P) asshole driving habits on the highways and their 24/7 soccer games. While wearing socks in sandals to hide their toenail fungus ^^
Monster Island is nice this time of year. Just be careful about Deutalios, Rodan, Kamacuras, Kumonga… You know what? Just be careful when being around most of the Kaiju.