As for the useless spells, she has a massive amount of intelctual curiosty and as I said, asorbs information like a sponge.
I should also add she has an incredible reading speed, which is rarely something you see in stupid people (its possible to be smart and have a bad reading speed, but I’m not sure the reverse is true. I’ve never met a stupid person whos a great reader, or one who can process so much information so quickly).
And for all we know those useless spells might help her learn other more useful spells, or just be part of her journey to master magic.
I wonder if Twilight is naive and sometimes lacking in common sense, but she is DEFINETELY smart. She asorbs and retains information like a sponge, she has an excelent memory, she can learn complex spells at an extrodinary rate, she can come up with plans at a fast rate, including clever on the fly stuff like pretending to charge at Nightmare Moon and teleporting behind her back, or her plan to intergrate Luna into society, or the speed she organised the ponies in winter wrap up, or her desperate but sound plan of distracting the hydra by charging at it, or figuring out Chrysalis was Cadence, understanding the effects the CMC’s gossip column would have on Ponyville far before any pony could figure it out, etc etc.
She can be too hasty and does make mistakes, but theirs no doubt she has a brilliant mind.
Yeah, that one is pretty much useless. Unless you magicked up a mustache, shaved it off, and kept repeating until you have enough to make a fur coat. That does strike me as a bit too outside the box for Twi to come up with.
And what about the mustache growing spell? the only person it benefits is magic bartenders, and Twilight can just make the ’stache go away anyway.
Well, there is this one spell “Polymorph Other.” Can be used to turn an enemy into some form of harmless woodland critter. Very usefull against foes with lots of health but minimal spell resistnce. The orange thing is actually better then the critter one, seeing as a polymorphed squirrel could feasibly find a way to turn back. Still, Twi’s missapplying it.
A stupid one. I mean, who even uses a spell that turns apples into oranges? Why does it even exist? How the fuck did they even come up with that? What were they smoking? Where can I get some?
Twilight’s got really good stats for her character class (wisdom and charisma being dump stats, but as a Mage she dosen’t need those) but has really poor spell selection. I mean, what kind of noob dosen’t have at least one magic missile prepared at all times?
Just because she knows a lot of things doesn’t mean she’s smart. And a lot of the things she does know are useless. When is she ever going to need a spell to turn things into oranges? or one that makes mustaches? Especially since both spells take time and focus to use.
On top of that, she, unlike a really smart person, never stops to think if she should learn the spell that has precisely one use and can’t be adapted, rather than one of the supposedly simpler and more versatile spells that she could have access to. She never thinks anything through, and is reckless and impulsive.
And another thing, there is such a thing as ‘savantism’. It’s where someone is really good at one thing, but not much good at others. Being a prodigy with magic doesn’t necessarily mean she’s good with other things.
nope. She’s not any smarter than normal. In fact, she’s probably dumber.
All she ever does is parrot what other great minds have said. And don’t give me any of that ‘Twilight must be smart because she’s Celestia’s personal student’ crap. For want of a nail, Rainbow Dash could’ve been Celestia’s student.