Why bother with backwards compatibility if you have games from the previous console surely you must have the console as well?
Anyway people don’t hate xbox for no backwards compatibility they hate it for a list of many many other reasons.
Joking aside though this is pretty damn funny, I thought the whole always online thing was stupid and praised them for rethinking that, but this, hoh-boy, kind of shot themselves in the foot on this one.
Well well well, no backwards compatibility? WHAT A FUCKING SHOCK! Remind me again why Nintendo should just give up making consoles and put Mario on the PS4 and next Xbox? Oh yeah that Gamepad controller is the stupidest idea ever alright, so stupid its very existence is a blight on an otherwise decent console that happens to have backwards compatibility-SUCKERS! I SHALL FEED OFF YOUR WOE AND DRINK YOUR TEARS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA-I mean, my deepest condolences to you all.
Nintendo are neither. What they really are is stubborn and how that helps is a matter of the roll of the dice. Their stubbornness caused them fall behind for two console generation before their fortunes turned around with the Wii. But now it’s gotten them into trouble again and who knows how it will turn out this time
I can respect someone who prefers to buy new as I do too, but there’s some very dire implications beyond “no used games” It also means you won’t be able to borrow games from friends NOR rent games without paying full price for the game.
GameDrone here, a lot of the times we DO get the manuals and cases. But Corporate considers them ‘needless waste’ for the most part, aside from ‘proven collectibles’ like Earthbound and CT back when we carried SNES, and FF7 and Cross/Trigger remake and the like when we carried PS1, and for PS2 we only care largely about Square, Koei, and ‘blockbuster action games’ that we sold a ton of when they were new, like Black.
Manuals get lost all the time, and only get found when the store is closed and we move. One location had around 160 manuals left between cabinets, under floorboards, behind displays, and so forth. Luckily the manager at that store was an actual gamer/collector and donated them to Lukie. As for the boxes, as soon as they’re chipped or scuffed or the cover graphic gets a little torn, we’re supposed to throw the box out and stick’em in those generics. Depending on your proximity to corporate some stores may be far more lax, however. But yeah used has a horrid stigma due to us mostly, and the occasionally fly-by-night service. This is why you get so little money back on trade-ins, it’s not just greed, but the fact they don’t care about any of the extras at all.
But what if you want to bring a game disc to a friend’s house and play there? You’ll have to pay a fee—and not just some sort of activation fee, but the actual price of that game—in order to use a game’s code on a friend’s account. Think of it like a new game, Harrison says.
I have 50+ ps3 games and 70% were preowned, ALL of them in their original case, all in good condition. The discs have light scratches at most, so light that it doesn’t effect anything.