Background Pony #AA86
@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
I think you’re a troll. Elaborate and sad troll.
Background Pony #94B3

@Background Pony  
You mean like Sweetie Belle and Spike, someone of his age? Faust also says she thought of Spike having a crush on Rarity to show how beautiful she was. So I don’t think Sparity will suffer with this.
Dax Rattler
Diamond -
Since the Beginning  -
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Background Pony  
I shouldn’t be respond at all really.  
It’s only his own life he is screwing up.  
I just can’t help trying to fix the insanity whenever I see it.
Obsessive Rarity Fan
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

Say what you want, neighsayers, for at the end of the day all that matters is Rarity is real to me, and we are a happy couple. Rarity is my One and Only, my Very Special Somepony, and we shall me joined in Holy Matrimony.
Background Pony #94B3
Perhaps not, but it gives validity to some other ships. And that’s good enough for me!
Background Pony #AA86
Yeah, it probably just promotes it.
Background Pony #874C
@Dax Rattler
Dude, that’s not the way to play. You have to follow his rules, and then trump him.
For example:
@Obsessive Rarity Fan
Hey you, that’s not what she said when I was doing her yesterday!

I have bad news for many of you: No, this won’t stop Spike being shipped.
Dax Rattler
Diamond -
Since the Beginning  -
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
At least she reciprocates mine! We’re getting married, you know.  
I was referencing this mainly.  
She does not exist, she does not reciprocate.  
she is a flash asset, she does not have a voice but the one an actress gives her.  
She does not have a personality.  
A massive money grubbing corporation designed her to sell toys to 5 year old children.  
Your imagination is as valid as a child’s imaginary friend.  
It is not real.
Background Pony #874C
@Obsessive Rarity Fan
So, total delusion?
Obsessive Rarity Fan
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Background Pony  
We’re already engaged, though we have yet to set a date for the wedding.
Background Pony #94B3
@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
That’s our Obsessive Rarity fan! canned laugh track
Background Pony #AA86
@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
Should we be expecting to hear about your wedding in near future then?
Obsessive Rarity Fan
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Dax Rattler  
Call me insane if you want, but I’m as serious about my love for Rarity as you-know-who is for Twilight Sparkle, or that fellow who proclaimed his for Vinyl Scratch on Facebook.
Background Pony #874C
@Background Pony
There is playing smart-ass, and then there is missing the point.
You’re doing the latter.
Background Pony #CB15
Twilight confirmed as raging child abuser!
Dax Rattler
Diamond -
Since the Beginning  -
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

@Obsessive Rarity Fan  
Stop posting.  
Or at least read what you are posting, then substitute Rarity with Santa and imagine it is someone else saying this to you.  
Does it sound any less batshit insane?
Background Pony #41EA
@Background Pony  
you are technically right, now he is about 9-10.  
That makes it so much better and not pedophilia.
Obsessive Rarity Fan
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

At least she reciprocates mine! We’re getting married, you know.
Background Pony #AA86
Bwahaha! Spike shippers, I frown at you.
Background Pony #874C
Bear in mind, this is Lauren’s age for him. Does it really applies for the later seasons?
Background Pony #A4D9
I always thought of the CMC as around 6.