the quote was referring to the whole ‘CheeriMac’ thing.
And by that, I didn’t mean any of the crack ships, because, in all seriousness, who actually ships those with any semblance of seriousness?
then what did you by “all the others, however, are still up in the air”?
and why the quote? i know that perfectly well without an anime telling me.
Rarity and AJ are polar opposites, we see this in the sleepover ep. They could barely get along as just friends and even though they learned to tolerate their differences I doubt they could be in a relationship.
Ugh. That’s not what I meant at all. Also, a quote from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: There are friendships that know not the boundaries of gender.
@Rainbow Dash
Actually, unless they only watched the first half of the episode, they would know that CheeriMac isn’t canon.
all the others, however, are still up in the air.
No ships should be canon, that way the people who ship them wont have an excuse to shit all over other ships.
Cheerimac is proof of this, because even though I don’t like Fluttermac(perhaps I even find Cheerimac more interesting), the Cheerimac fans often get on my nerves when they go around spitting in other peoples face about how their ship is “canon”.