The princesses are agents of stagnation! Equestria needs change! We need progress! We need more scientists and less druids! (I frackin hate those bloody hippies, get a haircut!) And no more awarding leadership positions to the winners of the “keep your lips on Celestia’s sun baked flank” competition! Rabble rabble rabble!
Yeah! … I uh… okay no but I have friends that are unicorns, griffons, at least one zebra. So I’m not species-ist.
@Dr Outback
But wouldn’t the scanners set off unicorns using illusion magic? We’d get a lot of false positives, especially around Canterlot. And they might complain about them being singled out.
I say down with this! We must eliminate all borders and tear down the ogligarchy of the princess to establish a free and equal Dictatorship of the Massess for the masses!
Down with the princesses!
Down with the Queen!
Away with borders and nations!
Im sure we can have commute with us. I say we have magic scanners at the train stations to detect real ponies from Changlings. Then ask any changelings that we catch questions on why they are here in Equestria.
I’m okay with the Changelings having their own country far away, I just think we should keep them out of Equestria. Has a Changeling come to Equestria and ever done a good thing? I know ‘Love and Tolerate’ is in the Declaration of Harmony but the Founding Mares didn’t count on eldritch bug ponies when they wrote it!