Yeah Discord could be better in parts. But by MLP standards discord is a greatly written character. Let’s be honest there are so many characters only popular because of fanfiction and fanart who haven’t done much in the story.
@Background Pony #50EA
I don’t think Knights of harmony fits with it mostly because it’s just exploring stuff during his chaotic realm times, isn’t really similar to Grogar twist, also Discord fights aganist the Knights, so, there’s no problem with that thing, also the interactions with the knights are pretty weird that makes them look like they never know before, just learned about Discord for things like calling him “a legend” instead of something real.
Also, did you forget Discordant Harmony from S7? That’s his best representation, oh also there the crossover with Transformers and Cosmos arc where he’s actually alright (despite Cosmos arc just whitewashed Discord just to make look Cosmos like the most evil creature of all).
In conclusion, there are writers who knows what to do with Discord. That and any other franchise would treat Discord better because he really had potential as a character.
@Background Pony #50EA
While I see your point and like i said more or less agree they should be done with him at the end of this arc.
In terms of episodes after s6. Discord in eps such as discordant harmony, big mac breakup and s9 eps except for grogar & matter of principals thing, involved him only causing problems that were no worse than what the mane six and other characters cause in some episodes and involved him genuinely growing as a person and trying to be helpful. Heck the grogar thing shows how far he has come to care for twilight but the fandom doesn’t wanna hear it because they wanted to see grogar so bad and doesn’t understand that making a huge mistake doesn’t equal intentionally doing it.
I agree with the knights of harmony and if the whole ghosts story with the lighthouse ends up being true that its too far. But discord most of the time is characterizated as someone who wants to do the right thing but has his own twisted choatic of doing it/being misguided. Most of the time he does seek to be good, which is a common theme of his character so I wouldn’t say they have no idea. Its just that some writers seem to make people forget the good/great parts of him as well.
Heck this cropped page above, in of itself shows that is trying to do good for others, and argue shows growth in a strange way as he’s trying to help all of Equestria.
I firmly believe nobody knows what to do with Discord anymore. I’ve been convinced of it since season 6. They either make him a petty jerk who holds a massive grudge over something minor (AKA the School of Friendship and how he wasn’t “invited” and put the students in danger), or a powerful idiot who never takes things too far and never thinks things through (Grogar incident, Knights of Harmony, and this arc). All the writers seem to do with him is either make Discord the cause of the problem or have him cause the problem. There’s no middle ground with him anymore.
It’s why I think they need to drop Discord completely when this arc is done with. Let him die and go be with Fluttershy in the afterlife. Discord used to be fun to see and watch, but now anytime he shows up you know he’s going to be the cause of trouble.
As much as I dig Discord’s state in these new comics, his design, not his sudden extremism…
man, the writers are really doing Discord dirty with this arc. Sure, he’s a very chaotic trickster, but that doesn’t mean he should be doing very disrespectful things to his friends and their legacy, such as the grogar stunt and this whole destroying-crystals thing. I would go as far as to say that it’s actually possible to make him do tricky schemes around those he considers allies AND not cross a moral event horizon when doing so, but either the writers don’t know how to do that, or they just have a hate boner for this draconequus.
I don’t know man, he’s a pretty complex character to write for, but G5 just isn’t hitting it for him.
Issue 5 kind of did nothing assuming all the really evil stuff we didn’t think he’s above doing is all conjured up by “Lightning Rod”. If he is Discord’s disguise and not some guilty ghost implying Discord really went mad that Twilight had to seal him, they need to confirm it.
Or at least get those powers, because i think the only thing that would make people question about Discord’s proposal is just looking like chimeras but… anybody would reject Discord’s powers? Everybody would be equal in power and it would be an utopy. And i didn’t say anything about forcing to transform.
And about the pacing, yeah, it’s horrible, like…
Issue 1 and 2 follows to a principal plot, now you need to wait to issue 5 to follow that plot just to discover issue 5 don’t matter to issue 6 and now you need to wait to issue 9 to follow Discord’s plot. The hell with that?
Forcibly turning everyone sounds worse. I agree it’s a pacing distator and it sucks that everything feel so easy to shadowy alicorn to drive discord to this.
G5 is just a pacing disaster. And Old Mand Discord isn’t G4 Discord, G5 isn’t a future G4, is just an alternative universe where everything needs to be stupid to exist.
Not even season 10 comics are that awful than this comic full of fillers where nothing happens and the conflict started by something stupid for G4 standards. Seriously the ponies had a really strong racism issue at the point it needs to be crystals to maintain together? And if Discord cares about magic racism, just turn everybody into draconequus to make an utopia before Twilight had the idea of the crystals.
It’s pretty much not going to happen, but they should drop Discord after this arc is concluded. All the writers seem Hell bent on doing is making him worse and worse with each passing story or with each issue. The common thing being he’s at fault for why something happened and why everything is bad. First the Grogar incident, then the Knights of Harmony, and now this. If they’re not going to do anything else aside from making him the reason something bad happens, then just get rid of him. Turn him to stone or let him die and be reunited with Fluttershy in the afterlife.
It’s sad that seeing Discord used to mean something fun would happen, but now I groan every time he’s involved since I know it’ll mean something bad happens or will happen and it’ll be all his fault.