5$ says this is a dup of image made before those episodes that we just don’t remember. @Evowizard25
lightning Dusts reaction to third degree murdering several national heroes was “LOOK HOW AWESOME DAT WAS!”, she constantly encouraged Rainbow Dash to act like a utter dick for personal success.
Trixie never encouraged others to become dicks, at worst merely provoking them into acting aggressive, and that also made the crowd happy rather then only helping just herself, and her reaction to being a second-hand reason/cause as to why a town was about to be destroyed was fight said town destroying threat head on, when she could easily have fleed and not put herself in danger.
Trixie has an ego problem, Lighting Dust is a full blown sociopath.
Lightning wasn’t an antagonist. More so then a representation of what Rainbow Dash was. Like Trixie was to Twilight in the first appearance. (But Trixie became an antagonist during her little show-off performance.)
Both Lightning and Iron Will wouldn’t fit in here. (If we had to include other antagonist, maybe the Diamond Dogs or Sunset Shimmer.)
Anyone remember that episode of Batman the animated series where all the top villains played cards and talked about who got the closest to defeating batman?
Discord’s in cahoots with Trixie and Gilda.
He’s clearly distracting everyone so that they can cheat more effectively.
And poor Iron Will. Just a guy doing his job, but forever more grouped together with the other villains and jerks. TVTropes is the only place that got his role right by not placing him in their “Antagonists” listing (for more perspective, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are included in that category).