@Background Pony
She raised a concern about security when the whole Canterlot was on high alert.
“Cadance” was acting highly suspicious and anyone could see it.
Twilight was actually always the most level-headed one when it came to judging others (Bridle Gossip, Griffon the Brush Off etc.) and being petty and jealous is extremely out of character for her, something her friends should have known at that point.
Bomb calls are always being investigated even though 99+% of them are false alarm.
Not listening to your prize student because the one she accused starts shedding crocodile tears is fucking retarded and makes me wonder how did Celestia stay in power if such a pathetic appeal to emotion can make her dismiss the concerns of someone who helped save Equestria multiple times.
She raised a concern about security when the whole Canterlot was on high alert.
“Cadance” was acting highly suspicious and anyone could see it.
Twilight was actually always the most level-headed one when it came to judging others (Bridle Gossip, Griffon the Brush Off etc.) and being petty and jealous is extremely out of character for her, something her friends should have known at that point.
Bomb calls are always being investigated even though 99+% of them are false alarm.
Not listening to your prize student because the one she accused starts shedding crocodile tears is fucking retarded and makes me wonder how did Celestia stay in power if such a pathetic appeal to emotion can make her dismiss the concerns of someone who helped save Equestria multiple times.