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Basically, a shot fired at those critics (cough Misanthro Pony cough) who think that G4 doesn’t matter anymore because of what G5 did. The Roman Empire does not exist anymore, but the culture survived and evolved as did the traditional foods. We named planet after their gods. So yeah, the plot points of the Roman Empire still matter and G4 still matters. This was taken from a take down of Misanthro’s “review”
They never did
I hope you’re right
Which will most likely leave a no impact on the show anyway
Yes, Really.
Not really
Pfft you got that right xD
Generation is about the toylines, not the tie-in shows.
So G5 will perish in G6?
Exactly, everything perishes.
Alicorns might me seen like gods in the MLP universe, but they’re still destined to bloom. Twilight just can’t do anything against the rules of nature.
That was never confirmed, for all we know she just lived a long time but died eventually, they never said that alicorns were immortal, just that they live a long time. And again, it’s very possible that she along with the other alicorns gave up their powers and immortality to create the three crystals to be a symbol of unity, this would explain the alicorn power up of Sunny.
Can’t he be both?
Nope, he’s just bitter.