Well .. in general, Crimea is historically Russian land, which was inherited thanks to Catherine II during the Russian-Turkish war.
But I am not appealing to historical lands, this is a very weak argument.
Historically, California is the territory of Mexico, and the United States is the territory of Britain)) And what's next? no, I am not appealing to the historicity of the territories.
But, there is a Kosovo presicedent and the right of the nation to self-determination, which is in the UN Charter.
Well .. in general, Crimea is historically Russian land, which was inherited thanks to Catherine II during the Russian-Turkish war.
But I am not appealing to historical lands, this is a very weak argument.
Historically, California is the territory of Mexico, and the United States is the territory of Britain)) And what's next? no, I am not appealing to the historicity of the territories.
But, there is a Kosovo pre