it’s funny how offended people get over canonically related characters getting it on.
Though this is following FiW canon, so they’re not related; therefore it’s ok Twily does stuff to him while he sleeps. (it’s not creepy)
It’s not a bullshit excuse at all, it’s a freaking joke, after the fact. It’s comic relief for some people to chuckle a bit and most to not care and continue fapping.
And if incest bothers you enough to bitch about it and then go “but I don’t want to talk about it”, how about you filter the tag and spare everyone else the snark, eh?
@The Smiling Pony
No, what I have been meaning to say is that imho saying that it is the FIW-verse is a bullshit excuse to draw incest porn, just as the term wincest is sugar coating incest with some bullshit made-up word.
In short: this bothers me A LOT.
So let’s not talk about it, because no good will come out of such discussions. We all know that.