Conversed Corruption 

Well then...
Her dark design is incredible
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Princess Luna (i coming) plz
Second one of my new redesign of humanoid poneys is one of my personal favorite (you could have easily guessed by the look of my main OC Ashamed) : LUNA !
As I said in the description of Twilight I really like the characters of the show, but it bothers me so much that they are poneys, YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING WITH HOOVES :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Anyway, enjoy the many faces of the princess:
Princess Luna Argh Princess Luna EXTREME Princess Luna is Done 50X50 Icon Luna is Not Amused 50X50 Icon Luna freaks out Princess Luna (hmm…) plz Laughing Luna Luna stunned icon Luna Winks
**Gold Bullet Check out the others I’ve made Gold Bullet **
GIF My Little Pony - Crazy! Twilight Sparkle
Princess Celestia yay Princesse Celestia