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Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
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I’ll explain that if you explain THIS!
I’ll explain that if you explain this.
What could this mean?
Huh…pretty interesting. I just assumed this :U
Maybe…how about now?
I can’t see yer picture, Rarity. Am I blind as a zubat?
That’s a might trollish of yer krabby. But nothin’ is as trolly as this guy…
You sick, sick farmer.
The Ho-Oh used Sacred Fire on my rental Krabby…and I survived with like 1 HP.
/le trollface/
Reminds me of when I killed someone’s lapras at full health with my unboosted magikarp. xD
You just reminded me…I beat Silver in Pokemon Stadium 2…with a Krabby.
I used guillotine on his Ho-Oh. IT. WAS. GLORIOUS.
Throw in the extra slime or goblin while you’re at it!