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You sir are a grade a moron who sees negative stereotypes where none exist. You are the problem. Fix yourself.
That’s because of Double Standerds: It’s okay to have a stupid and/or clumsy male charector, but when it’s a stupid/clumsy female charector, Soccer Moms/Social Justice Morons compleatly flip out.
**shrug **
Still don’t understand the hate for Derpy. I mean Patrick Star is more of a freaking tard than Derpy ever was/presented in the show. Hell, even Disney has a character named Goofy and you don’t see the soccer moms declaring war on him.
Dash acts that way even toward her closest friends, or hadn’t you noticed?
Um, the name “Derpy” was never used as an insult, it was just her name.
Characters like that have appeared before, and I did not hear any sort of protest against them. What makes her any different?
That sounds more like Weebl and Bob.
*called an insulting name by a canon character
*is a walking disaster area, everything she did caused damage
*is obviously disliked by a canon character
*simpleton voice
*doesn’t know what she’s doing
*everything she does to help causes more damage
Derpy pretty much hit every negative stereotype the disability community has been trying to get away from the last few decades, and given that all of that occurred in the span of under five minutes, and given how the majority of non-brony viewers will have no idea that the Derpy Hooves meme exists, the obvious conclusion was she was made up specifically for this episode.
It’s really not surprising that some people were going to be upset by her portrayal.
For example, when we first found Snails, I believe he was basically drooling on himself and spouting something about pies, oblivious to everything around him. Good times.
Huh. I read it as 2/25 of this year. Okay, then.
Just uploading this and the other to save the artifacts for pony history.
How strange that a dopey guy is treated as comic relief while a girl is accused of perpetuating negative stereotypes.
Do I taste Sexism?
It was pretty ableist of them to assume she had a mental problem.
Read the date of the post. This was from a year ago.