Silver Dis-Astḗr
> ...
> [@Argamis](/images/2667426#comment_9739170)
> > The Episode S2E20 shows 3 different Twilights interacting with each others (it only looks like a closed timeloop).
> There were only two Twilights in that episode. Where the hell did you get 3 from?
> ...
1) The "Mane Timeline" Twilight Sparkle (to_be_defacto_Queen_of_Equestria): She gets a partial "warning" about "something" that is going to happen [similar to Celestia getting a "heads up" about some "danger" in "A Canterlot Wedding", with not enough details to actually prevent it (just making things more difficult for everycreature on both sides)].
-> This is later the alicorn that follows Starlight (alongside her Spike) through the multiverse, leaving forever their "original" timeline; getting stuck in a similar one after the time_travel scroll (altered by Starlight) is sent away by the cutiemap [to stop further shenanigans].
2) "future!Twilight" (one_eye_missing unicorn): She comes from a "bad ending" alternate Equestria (posibly one of the many timelines with a past alterated by a Starlight Glimmer). Without having previous access to a higher education (by never entering Celestia´s School for Unicorns), she only managed to "execute" the spell on Starswirl´s scroll by bruteforcing through it with her magic (not able to "crack" its code like Starlight did).
-> This is the same mare that Mane!Twilight believed to be herself from "the future" (of the ONLY timeline that is ALL reality, as she understands it) in S2E20; but she was wrong [you can NEVER meet "yourself", Paradoxes do not exist].
3) "past!Twilight" From a timeline similar to (1), she gets briefly visited by the Mane!Twilight (who also fails to comunicate a "warning" for a different kind of "danger" [looks like a closed timeloop, but it is NOT, because that is impossible].
This version of Twilight "replaces" Mane!Twilight by going to her original timeline: After she finds the (almost torn) Timetravel_Scroll_of_Starswirl_modified_by_Starlight (that suddendly appeared by itself), she activates the automatic "scoop & return" function [that Starlight programmed to be triggered by the first creature that touches it].
As that scroll gets fully ripped appart in two pieces [losing whatever magic enchantment Starswirl placed on it], she is now stuck & takes residence in the Castle of Friendship [of the original timeline of Mane!Twilight], posibly without a Spike. [There is no functional timetravel scroll in this timeline, so she can not reverse_engineer it].
Note 1: The timeline of (3) is "missing" their Twilight. Tirek remains imprisoned in Tartarus, either because Cerberus never leaves in S2E20 [caused by the butterfly effect from that brief visitation of (1) leading to different "measures" taken by past!Twilight]; or because Discord may had never being released from his stone prison in the first place (without his help, the centaur would never manage to get strong enough to defeat Celesta & Luna).
Note 2: A trio (Starlight, Twilight & Spike) from the "final" timeline of S5E26 [who had their own version of the modified scroll] start their own timetravel journey before Mane!Twilight arrive and lost theirs. It is very likely that the Twilight of this trio could not prevent the eventual destruction of their scroll (and/or their cutiemap), losing the ability to travel through time & getting stuck alongside her Spike in the "present" (same day of S5E25) of a bad_future alternate timeline [their Starlight posibly also stuck, but in the "past" (day of the Sonic Rainboom) of that same timeline]. She may still get to use the unmodified version of Starswirl Scroll of that timeline (that only allows for brief, short_distance timejumps), that has a "memetic safeguard" against revealing information from the future.
> ...
> [@Argamis](/images/2667426#comment_9739170)
> > The Episode S2E20 shows 3 different Twilights interacting with each others (it only looks like a closed timeloop).
> There were only two Twilights in that episode. Where the hell did you get 3 from?
> ...
1) The "Mane Timeline" Twilight Sparkle (to_be_defacto_Queen_of_Equestria): She gets a partial "warning" about "something" that is going to happen [similar to Celestia getting a "heads up" about some "danger" in "A Canterlot Wedding", with not enough details to actually prevent it (just making things more difficult for everycreature on both sides)].
-> This is later the alicorn that follows Starlight (alongside her Spike) through the multiverse, leaving forever their "original" timeline; getting stuck in a similar one after the time_travel scroll (altered by Starlight) is sent away by the cutiemap [to stop further shenanigans].
2) "future!Twilight" (one_eye_missing unicorn): She comes from a "bad ending" alternate Equestria (posibly one of the many timelines with a past alterated by a Starlight Glimmer). Without having previous access to a higher education (by never entering Celestia´s School for Unicorns), she only managed to "execute" the spell on Starswirl´s scroll by bruteforcing through it with her magic (not able to "crack" its code like Starlight did).
-> This is the same mare that Mane!Twilight believed to be herself from "the future" (of the ONLY timeline that is ALL reality, as she understands it) in S2E20; but she was wrong [you can NEVER meet "yourself", Paradoxes do not exist].
3) "past!Twilight" From a timeline similar to (1), she gets briefly visited by the Mane!Twilight (who also fails to comunicate a "warning" for a different kind of "danger" [looks like a closed timeloop, but it is NOT, because that is impossible].
This version of Twilight "replaces" Mane!Twilight by going to her original timeline: After she finds the (almost torn) Timetravel_Scroll_of_Starswirl_modified_by_Starlight (that suddendly appeared by itself), she activates the automatic "scoop & return" function [that Starlight programmed to be triggered by the first creature that touches it].
As that scroll gets fully ripped appart in two pieces [losing whatever magic enchantment Starswirl placed on it], she is now stuck & takes residence in the Castle of Friendship [of the original timeline of Mane!Twilight], posibly without a Spike. [There is no functional timetravel scroll in this timeline, so she can not reverse_engineer it].
Note 1: The timeline of (3) is "missing" their Twilight. Tirek remains imprisoned in Tartarus, either because Cerberus never leaves in S2E20 [caused by the butterfly effect from that brief visitation of (1) leading to different "measures" taken by past!Twilight]; or because Discord may had never being released from his stone prison in the first place (without his help, the centaur would never manage to get strong enough to defeat Celesta & Luna).
Note 2: A trio (Starlight, Twilight & Spike) from the "final" timeline of S5E26 [who had their own version of the modified scroll] start their own timetravel journey before Mane!Twilight arrive and lost theirs. It is very likely that the Twilight of this trio could not prevent the eventual destruction of their scroll (and/or their cutiemap), losing the ability to travel through time & getting stuck alongside her Spike in the "present" (same day of S5E25) of a bad_future alternate timeline [their Starlight posibly also stuck, but in the "past" (day of the Sonic Rainboom) of that same timeline]. She may still get to use the unmodified version of Starswirl Scroll of that timeline (that only allows for brief, short_distance timejumps), that has a "memetic safeguard" against revealing information from the future.