@Kulta kai
No, no. not what it saying about Equestria was NOT a giant robot planet.
Possibly the Author says about the Mercenaries travel to Equestria including Quintessons, they crash landed in Everfree Forest joining Cozy Glow and Tirek. Because this person the one who killed Optimus Prime and Sunset Shimmer-esque appeared in A Real Mother with Scootaloo and her gang. During the ambush they free Sombra and Chrysalis with Quintessons. Destroying Ponyville. Because this I ever read on Wattpad saying that the artifact called “Galaxy Fulcrum” but what the heck is the artifact. Mostly Optimus and Twilight captured and Grogar sits with Celestia’s throne to use the magical bell to drain Twilight’s power. I hope this author, the one who ever adapting this IDW’s losing license.
Hey. Small fan theory why cybertron and the ponyverse are connected(going off facts from prime and tlk with taking observations between the relation between earth and cybertron). Within the core of the planet equestrian is is a fifth giant planet changer. Like how in a few other comics earth was atlas or gaea
But Tirek and Cozy Glow were guilty. Remember in a deleted scene of the Transformers movie where Kranix says that both guilty and innocent were the same sentence to death.
The Knights of Harmony have a interesting concept of being fallen heroes. Unfortunately that hasn’t been fleshed out. At best if g4 continues in some way they should address the unanswered questions and perhaps optionally talk about that Abyssinian-Diamond Dog Delegation or something similar.