Any Christians here?

Christian adjacent comment.

A girl I used to fool around with online (photo sharing, talks about meeting up when she had plans to travel to my area, etc...), was prolific in her socials about her faith. Lot's of quotes from the bible and her general outlook on her life and how God played a large part of it. She was and is also married.

And she was absolutely filthy and naked all the time in my DMs. I never found it odd, off putting, or questioned it. The infidelity is obviously something she needed to reconcile and is technically wrong, but her attitude towards sex and what she wanted was really healthy. I thought she balanced her personal and private wants and was a good role model and person outside of it.
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Christian adjacent comment.

A girl I used to fool around with online (photo sharing, talks about meeting up when she had plans to travel to my area, etc...), was prolific in her socials about her faith. Lot's of quotes from the bible and her general outlook on her life and how God played a large part of it. She was and is also married.

And she was absolutely filthy and naked all the time in my DMs. I never found it odd, off putting, or questioned it. The infidelity is obviously something she needed to reconcile and is technically wrong, but her attitude towards sex and what she wanted was really healthy. I thought she balanced her personal a private wants and was a good role model and person outside of it.
Thanks for this Mariko
Thanks! How are you finding it? Does it give you an extra thrill? How does the apparent confliction feel?

No judgement here at all. Just seeing if any are in the same boat

Well, we have some mildly differences when it comes to feel affected by religion.

Husband isn't that much worried about church demands and predicates. To have pleasure and adjust a marriage to any specific desires of the couple isn't a big deal.

Wife is very tied to the church and an active participant. She struggled when younger reconciling the religion's views with her impetus to be adventurous in sex matters. Today she just sees the sex life as a sin which have to be a reason for pardon seeking.

So, we will keep doing our sins as long we understand they are not the worst we could do to any people instead.
Well, we have some mildly differences when it comes to feel affected by religion.

Husband isn't that much worried about church demands and predicates. To have pleasure and adjust a marriage to any specific desires of the couple isn't a big deal.

Wife is very tied to the church and an active participant. She struggled when younger reconciling the religion's views with her impetus to be adventurous in sex matters. Today she just sees the sex life as a sin which have to be a reason for pardon seeking.

So, we will keep doing our sins as long we understand they are not the worst we could to any people instead.
Thank you for sharing, it is really appreciated 👏
An intriguing passage from Ezekiel discusses “Jerusalem’s” alliances with surrounding nations under the language and imagery of cuckoldry:

19 … she multiplied her acts of promiscuity, remembering the days of her youth when she acted like a prostitute in the land of Egypt
“and lusted after their lovers, whose sexual members were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions.
“So you revisited the depravity of your youth, when the Egyptians caressed your nipples to enjoy your youthful breasts.”

[Ezekiel 23:19-21].

So here is “Israel,” married to a loving husband, yet she craves those Egyptian [dark skinned] men who … [I’m afraid of many translations leave something to be desired] … are hung like a donkey and cum like a horse.

It’s funny to watch translation committees struggle with this. They have to know what the tax requires, but they also know that this isn’t going to go over well in church culture. 😂

So the question is …

If the analogy is incorrect and not based on what is real — at least for a substantial number of wives … why is this in the Bible?

On the other hand, if the analogy is correct, why can the church not say so? And why did translation committee struggle with this particular text?


An intriguing passage from Ezekiel discusses “Jerusalem’s” alliances with surrounding nations under the language and imagery of cuckoldry:

19 … she multiplied her acts of promiscuity, remembering the days of her youth when she acted like a prostitute in the land of Egypt
“and lusted after their lovers, whose sexual members were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions.
“So you revisited the depravity of your youth, when the Egyptians caressed your nipples to enjoy your youthful breasts.”

[Ezekiel 23:19-21].

So here is “Israel,” married to a loving husband, yet she craves those Egyptian [dark skinned] men who … [I’m afraid of many translations leave something to be desired] … are hung like a donkey and cum like a horse.

It’s funny to watch translation committees struggle with this. They have to know what the tax requires, but they also know that this isn’t going to go over well in church culture. 😂

So the question is …

If the analogy is incorrect and not based on what is real — at least for a substantial number of wives … why is this in the Bible?

On the other hand, if the analogy is correct, why can the church not say so? And why did translation committee struggle with this particular text?


All those texts are taken out of context. That is God dealing with Israel’s idolatry and not their sexual immorality.
All those texts are taken out of context. That is God dealing with Israel’s idolatry and not their sexual immorality.
How do you get that? Look at the nations mentioned in the chapter.

Idolatry was at issue, but idolatry was also at issue in relations with the nations around eretz Ysra’el.

That is why alliances and marriages outside Israel were forbidden. Those alliances were the means by which the gods [idols] of the nations acquired adherents in Israel.
As I said, these relations were discussed under the language and imagery of cuckoldry. Note that Israel’s idolatry was often political [as it is today]. And as vs 23 continues, it names:
“governors and prefects, officers and administrators…”

So the very people with whom Israel committed their political idolatries with other nations were ALSO those men who would ride on horseback, leading the armies that would punish Israel.

Moreover, my point was that for the analogy to work [and an analogy is ALL it is], there had to be some basis for the sexual dynamics described in the passage. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have worked. That was the point.

Essentially, the metaphor works as …

As an adventurous wife lusts after and seeks out well endowed lovers to satisfy her, so Israel seeks out alliances and relations with other nations and their gods.

Hope that helps. Take care!
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We both are Christians, we both belong to a small french church which was founded around 60 years ago in the south of France.

We live our religion in a very similar way as Catholics, but with small differences.

We have been trying to conceive during the last 12 years (since my wife was 22). And after this period and seeing that my wife enters in a very difficult age. We studied the possibility of being inseminated by another man.

This was agreed with our mayor priest. Very long talks about this and the details with him. Our church is kind of progressive in that regards and this is not the first time that happened.

So we are dating a bull now with this purpose.

I'd love to share my experience as husband with other husbands I'm same situation. It's being a very tough time for me.
An intriguing passage from Ezekiel discusses “Jerusalem’s” alliances with surrounding nations under the language and imagery of cuckoldry:

19 … she multiplied her acts of promiscuity, remembering the days of her youth when she acted like a prostitute in the land of Egypt
“and lusted after their lovers, whose sexual members were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions.
“So you revisited the depravity of your youth, when the Egyptians caressed your nipples to enjoy your youthful breasts.”

[Ezekiel 23:19-21].

So here is “Israel,” married to a loving husband, yet she craves those Egyptian [dark skinned] men who … [I’m afraid of many translations leave something to be desired] … are hung like a donkey and cum like a horse.

It’s funny to watch translation committees struggle with this. They have to know what the tax requires, but they also know that this isn’t going to go over well in church culture. 😂

So the question is …

If the analogy is incorrect and not based on what is real — at least for a substantial number of wives … why is this in the Bible?

On the other hand, if the analogy is correct, why can the church not say so? And why did translation committee struggle with this particular text?


This the same guy who saw ...... flying in the sky?
We both are Christians, we both belong to a small french church which was founded around 60 years ago in the south of France.

We live our religion in a very similar way as Catholics, but with small differences.

We have been trying to conceive during the last 12 years (since my wife was 22). And after this period and seeing that my wife enters in a very difficult age. We studied the possibility of being inseminated by another man.

This was agreed with our mayor priest. Very long talks about this and the details with him. Our church is kind of progressive in that regards and this is not the first time that happened.

So we are dating a bull now with this purpose.

I'd love to share my experience as husband with other husbands I'm same situation. It's being a very tough time for me.

If support/encouragement is what you need, I can certainly be a sounding board for you. You’re welcome to reply here or by pm if you prefer.

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