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Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
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Blossom: No? And yeah btw My name is Blossom and The Leader of the Powerpuff G-i mean Mares!
Chrysalis: Sorry i am not marry him
Chrysalis: (Sigh) Fine take him! I dont care you like him or not! Red-head!
Blossom: That’s why you are two villains who in love!
Chrysalis: But your a hero!? You will marry a villain!? Are you fucking nuts?!
Blossom: Well what did you know? Shall we go out?
Chrysalis: (Sigh) Fine Blossom
(Blossom from Powerpuff Girls appears)
Blossom: HEY! Its my love!
Chrysalis: Who’s she!?
Aku: Blossom!? I was forgot about you! Oh darn it (facepalm)
Blossom: You right there dont you dare touch my aku!
Chrysalis: Lie! Hes own by me!
Blossom: Grrr! You almost hurt me and my sisters (Use Laser Eye)
Chrysalis: Damn you are bitch! (Fires kamehameha)
Aku: Ummm o.o
(then he disapree randomly)