While the initial meeting between their two groups in the past wasn’t one that had ended on good terms, things could have became different the second time around. Twilight could have tried to reach out to the Diamond Dogs in a sense of understanding and take a chance to try learning about their own culture and values to why they would want to dig up gemstones inside of the cave. Perhaps there is some connection that isn’t known about, that had allowed for these canines to develop bipedalism, basic speech, and a semi-intelligent community of their own compared to that of common dogs.Understanding what it is that makes the Diamond Dogs who they are, Twilight could try to reach out and help them in little ways such as food, medicine, tools in-exchange for building materials that the Diamond Dogs could provide. Perhaps even among their numbers, there are Diamonds-in-the-rough: talented builders, artists, and stonemasons; whose skills could be nurtured and encouraged to achieve many a great thing. When the time would be right, Twilight could help in the establishment of a surface-bound village for the Diamond Dogs that could better help facilitate trade between themselves and Ponyville much easier, to help bring in those talented Diamond Dogs to help contribute however they would know to Ponyville in order to make life for its residents a bit easier: Cobblestone roads instead of dirt paths to prevent wagon wheels from snapping apart in mud. Stone bridges that can withstand flooding more than their own wooden bridges, things of that nature. Given enough time around Ponyville, the Diamond Dogs would become more close and neighborly towards them, integrating both communities as one with the Diamond Dogs taking on other work that wouldn’t have been possible for them beforehand. In the end of it, the Diamond Dogs would have been grateful for all that Twilight had in that moment done for them and how she had needed a proper seat of power within Ponyville, and would have built a castle for her after Tirek had destroyed the Golden Oaks Library, taking the Crystal Tree into account to build a keep around the aforementioned tree and having the grounds be the perfect evacuation point should another threat arise within Ponyville so its denizens could retreat to for protection.
“The Legion dies with Caesar. What follows now is the last steps of a man that does not yet realize… that he is walking dead.” -Joshua Graham, Fallout: New Vegas
@Background Pony #559B
That’s probably not Twilight’s fault though. Its whoever took over after her.