Brass Beau

Howdy from Shimmer Pope
That, too, yeah.

this means they’re generally a species full of assholes (kinda like griffons). That naturally hostile nature, mixed with the idea that changelings were attacked because the species being fed on no longer has compassion, would mean that no one is really at fault.
I would say Chrysalis being a bitch is mainly for a entertainment purposes.
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Brass Beau

Howdy from Shimmer Pope
Let’s see: Last comic inferred that changelings would infiltrate a society and feed on love, when discovered the changeling was most likely killed and the hive is now living on the outskirts of society and feeding on plants.  
We know that sharing love changes a changeling so
Chrysalis needs to be a bit of a bitch
this means they’re generally a species full of assholes (kinda like griffons). That naturally hostile nature, mixed with the idea that changelings were attacked because the species being fed on no longer has compassion, would mean that no one is really at fault.

Considering you kept making comparisons with no merit I stand by it.
Enjoy handwaving the Ponies bad side, I’m sure bias makes it a cozy place to sit.
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Well, with that, I’m out. I don’t need to talk to someone who believes me incapable of following what’s talked about. Have fun.

Theres a difference between temporary holding and a thousand years of torture.
Or we should see the ponies just letting random Changelings walk around pre redemption without fear despite them being a known threat and enemies.
But we didn’t outside of a gag in one episode, so I suppose you’d let enemy generals and commanders just galavant around your capital city or encampment with a full platoon and pretend they aren’t there.
You do not grasp the difference in the situations displayed and discussed.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I don’t? Weird. I don’t remember saying anything to that effect. While you did claim the umbrum are in the right to petrify their enemies, or worse, while the ponies are horrible for keeping them imprisoned.

Considering you don’t have a problem with Celestia routinely risking the lives of every creature she rules, the irony is palpable when you have problems with me demanding equity in treatment.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Talking about hypocrisy while defending every creature out to enslave and/or kill the ponies for selfish gains. Ironic.

@Background Pony #03F0  
It’s really not.
It’s just another example of how spoiled and selfish the Equestrian rulers are and how little “Honesty”, “Loyalty”, “Kindness”, and “Generosity” actually matter.
Proving Harmony’s basically nothing but a monster with a thin veil of paint and blind worship making it what it is.
In other words “Friendship” isn’t magic, it’s having “Friends in high places”.
It’s an insult to what the show and writers supposedly preach and makes any lesson learned laughable at best and malicious manipulation at worst
Background Pony #03F0
And then consider again the lack of effort and Discord being involved and being responsible for their punishment,omething he has no right to do and should be held to the same standard of
Maybe, but I don’t care about Discord so I don’t care what happens to him.
And then consider again the lack of effort
That is true. But if they are later released with warning ‘Behave yourself or you go back to stone’ that is enough for me.

@Background Pony #03F0  
I’d say the same of Starlight, Celestia and Discord(because how trustworthy is he at this point?).
The problem with it though is if the fandom sticks to the idea they’re basically in stasis, unaware and unresponsive, it’s not a punishment, it’s shoving them away to be someone else’s problem.
If they are aware, it’s torture via Isolation and forced restraint to the degree one’s breaking prisoners rights.
And then consider again the lack of effort and Discord being involved and being responsible for their punishment, something he has no right to do and should be held to the same standard of and I’m fully against it on principle of actually practicing what the ponies preach instead of constantly bending the rules to suit the princesses/main six’s desires.
Background Pony #03F0
How many attempts did Chrysalis get? 1, with an entire army threatening her and while still trying to process the events that just occurred.
When did I say Chrysalis is a good person? She’s not, but there being a reasons she specifically hates Equestria over all others needs something to support it, and the fact that at the end of the day her cruelty has an end goal already makes her better then Discord on any basic moral point of veiw.
My main issue with her final fate is it’s too harsh. Don’t get me wrong, it would be stretch to say that Chrysalis didn’t deserved to be punished for her actions, but beign petrified forever is a ridicilous. Couple of years in stone is a fair sentence.

True, but frankly Hypocrisy is a far larger frustration to me here because people refuse to acknowledge the character’s faults or get annoyed because they get dragged for them.
I followed a fan fic for almost 5 years because they had the balls to have Celestia be responsible for things that built up to a civil war-and all of it could’ve been solved if she’d just admitted her mistakes and helped the people she’d condemned continue their work.
For the longest time it looked like there would be consequences for everyone, precious princess’s included but then they backed up and only had one side have any negative response despite the fact the entire country now new how many pointless, needless deaths were caused up to the final straw and how many advances in medicine were held back purely because Celestia was afraid of being replaced or letting people choose to test these advancements of their own will since they were terminally ill and already dying slowly.
The other side had no kills tied to them and at worst was an occupying force while they spread the records both from Canterlot and the people she’d cast out in question.
Like, seriously. She still get’s blind worship and statues while the other guys get thrown under the bus for no reason? You’re telling me no one had problems with Celestia after this, after knowing she had realized her mistake and then spent decades covering it up or ignoring it instead of pushing to get these decisions changed?
The excuse was she couldn’t, as the borderline god of her people, get a resolution brought up.
Celestia, somehow, couldn’t change her stance on something for the betterment of her people.
At that point I downvoted, pulled it out of any tabs and favorites and left.
Duck - "someone befriended them, saved them, coaxed them out of their shell, and showed them that sex is nothing to be afraid of. I’m kind of envious of that rape victim"

at least we’re not steven universe fans.

Considering the fandoms built on hypocrisy from the main cast this will follow all of them.
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Time to get spooky
I had enough of this. I hate being reminded why I never subscribe to images with Chrysalis in them.

Each counts individually, seeing as Twilight made an attempt on each pass. The final stuck because she dragged Starlight along and got Starlight to accept and acknowledge.
Or you’d have to acknowledge that Chrysalis’ circumstances are far, far closer to Starlights continual time jumping then the final acceptance.
When did I say Chrysalis is a good person? She’s not, but there being a reasons she specifically hates Equestria over all others needs something to support it, and the fact that at the end of the day her cruelty has an end goal already makes her better then Discord on any basic moral point of veiw.
Do the ends justify the means, no, but at the very least theres a reason opposed to doing it because you find the very act of suffering funny.
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.

Time to get spooky
That all counts as one since she wasn’t offered a chance until she herself realized what she was doing.
Seeing how she acted, she wouldn’t have accepted it even if she was offered it one million times.
Two characters in a series who were both assholes, but people fought over who was worst way too much. And it’s repeating here now, because fanboys can’t accept that a character isn’t a good person because of their own obsession, to the point of making up stuff to justify their fanboy behavior.

How many times did Starlight refuse and attempt to sabotage time? Certainly more then two.
How many attempts did Chrysalis get? 1, with an entire army threatening her and while still trying to process the events that just occurred.
And I don’t know who those two are but frankly I don’t care.

Considering they were actively attempting to place the crystal heart in it’s pedestal and trap them again?
Would you not stop people trying to do the one thing that would stop your people from being free? Petrifications bad but considering the Ponies stand by it I’m hard pressed to care when they actively attempt to threaten something with the ability to do so, and hasn’t, and cry foul when it finally does.
Alicorns and attempted saboteurs being stoned is common sense seeing as they are actively the largest individual threats and aren’t easy to cage.
Then consider unlike ponies their petrification can be undone without a pseudo goddess and it’s still a better fate then the ponies level against people constantly.
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Aria Blaze - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.

Time to get spooky
Starlight had 2 at most. After trying to learn from Twi, it was her messing up and not being given a chance at redemption.
I hate how much this feels like the Delta vs Jet arguments of old.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

That, and gleefully pushing Sombra to petrify or worse all the ponies.

Except they didn’t. Discord got to basically turncoat twice and repeatedly risk peoples lives for no real consequence.
Starlight only got redeemed because Twilight had a personal attachment to her because of a sad back story and still got upwards of 9 attempts before it finally stuck.
Chrysalis got one attempt, canonically, 1.
Clearly, that isn’t the case, seeing as it sure wasn’t Harmony that decided the three needed to be stoned was it? It was Celestia the careless, her sister and Discord. One of whom has no right to even be part of their trial as anything but an accomplice.
Discord got more effort then any other villain, and frankly it’s laughable that the others would be called rotten to the core when no one made an iota of effort to change them for the better while simultaneously bending over backwards to let Discord be redeemed.
Bias and lack of effort=/=irredeemable.