Background Pony #994D
Luckily I have called in backup. Send the BH-64D commache helicopter to stop them
Background Pony #1D8D
i hate the redemtion arc is stupid for a preeschool show like mlp
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).

In Treue fest
He didn’t knowingly allow him to destroy the elements
If he was on site, as you said he was, then he did knowingly allow the elements to be destroyed.  
Discord is not a reasonable person hes a spirit of chaos
This is just pedantry. The point is that the possibility of casualties and trauma was entirely foreseeable.  
They decided to commit the crimes in ending of the end he didn’t force them to do wat they did in the finale
He may as well have. He forced them to work for him, forced them to scale Mount Everhoof in search of the Bewitching Bell and fully intended to sick them on Equestria himself had they not decieved him first. That was the whole point of his plan.  
There’s nothing petty about wanting yur friend to believe in themselves
As a reason for threatening the lives of cities and kingdoms worth of people, it’s extremely petty.  
Also anti hero doesn’t mean someone always does something inherently heroic, an anti hero is flawed/morally ambiguous.
There is nothing morally ambiguous about this. Discord knowingly endangered the lives of everyone in Equestria and used people in a position he was once in as disposable pawns because of the possibility that it might have made Twilight Sparkle more confident. That is evil. That is an unambiguously evil thing to do, however many excuses you might make for it.
Background Pony #1A1D
Also anti hero doesn’t mean someone always does something inherently heroic, an anti hero is flawed/morally ambiguous. Since your talking about TV tropes look up unscrupulous hero or discords character page to understand him more.
Background Pony #1A1D
There’s nothing petty about wanting yur friend to believe in themselves
Background Pony #1A1D
They decided to commit the crimes in ending of the end he didn’t force them to do wat they did in the finale
Background Pony #1A1D
Discord is not a reasonable person hes a spirit of chaos
Background Pony #1A1D
He didn’t knowingly allow him to destroy the elements
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).

In Treue fest
Discord was on site when the mane 6 faced sombra last
So he knowingly allowed King Sombra to destroy the Elements of Harmony and brainwash everyone in Ponyville into serving him, presumably knowing they could’ve been permanently injured, killed or psychologically scarred by the experience.  
he saw it as nothing would go wrong no one would be in true danger because hes so powerful
I believe what I described above would be considered real danger by any reasonable person.  
he wanted to show the mane 6 that they don’t
need anyone’s help against evil “Listen to me, you dont need me, you dont need the princesses, and u certainly don’t need the elements.”
It doesn’t make him vile it doesn’t make him a villain he simply didn’t think things through.
Pursuing a petty goal at the expense of innocent people sounds quite evil to me.  
It was never his intent for them to destroy equestria.
Just as much of it as he thought was necessary for his “confidence boost”.  
He sent them after the bell so they could learn to work together so twilight could get the max confidence boost he simply didn’t think things through.
That makes no sense whatsoever, but even if it did, it wouldn’t refute anything I’d said.  
“Im so sorry it made so much sense in my head twilight defeats her worse enemies and is filled with confidence i truly did have the best intentions I swear ill make it up to you”. This is just someone who didn’t think things through but wanted to help in his chaotic way your using ron the death eater.
Restating your point and throwing in a term from TV Tropes does not an argument make.  
The villains had shown themselves to be no better as beings before s9 being completely evil to the core and remorseless
That’s debatable, but in any case, the same can be said of Discord.  
yes they were already in prison but your treating it as if he used reformed villains for his plan
I never said anything of the sort.  
they infact decided to be more evil after frenemies, they were already planning to try to take over EQ once again it almost seems like your tryna make it out like they were no longer evil anymore until this discord guy who u obviously aren’t a fan of so u wanna make him out to be this completely vile monster that he isn’t.
Again, I never said anything to that effect.  
There is absolutely nothing wrong with discord condemning villains because he was once a villain now your just making stuff up is starlight wrong for facing villains because she was a villain, NO there facing evil now that they are no longer evil.
False equivalence. By forcing the villains to work for him, Discord was responsible for all the damage they did. They were condemned for his crime. He used them for his plan and discarded them when they were no longer useful.  
Discord now being a anti hero understands and realizes that evildoers on that level deserve to be punished, despite how wrathful he can be he let crysalsis go in s6, they all gave her a chance for example,“Together forever I cant think of anything they would want…less” which is a classic anti-hero move of TV tropes Paying Evil Unto Evil that’s wat u get evil bastards mindset basically.
Since you seem so fond of TV Tropes, look up Moral Myopia. Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek showed more potential for reform in one episode than Discord ever did, even after Keep Calm and Flutter On. There is nothing heroic, anti- or otherwise, about condemning others for a crime he forced them to commit.
Background Pony #1A1D
@Loveslave of Nightmare Moon  
Yeh annoying trickster, idiot watever u wanna call him for wat he did but hes not evil, he was trying to be chaotic good.
Background Pony #1A1D
“You just had an extremely good looking safety net.” Discord was on site when the mane 6 faced sombra last, he saw it as nothing would go wrong no one would be in true danger because hes so powerful, he wanted to show the mane 6 that they don’t  
need anyone’s help against evil “Listen to me, you dont need me, you dont need the princesses, and u certainly don’t need the elements.”  
It doesn’t make him vile it doesn’t make him a villain he simply didn’t think things through. It was never his intent for them to destroy equestria. He sent them after the bell so they could learn to work together so twilight could get the max confidence boost he simply didn’t think things through.
“Im so sorry it made so much sense in my head twilight defeats her worse enemies and is filled with confidence i truly did have the best intentions I swear ill make it up to you”. This is just someone who didn’t think things through but wanted to help in his chaotic way your using ron the death eater.
The villains had shown themselves to be no better as beings before s9 being completely evil to the core and remorseless, yes they were already in prison but your treating it as if he used reformed villains for his plan…now if he did that that would be vile, they infact decided to be more evil after frenemies, they were already planning to try to take over EQ once again it almost seems like your tryna make it out like they were no longer evil anymore until this discord guy who u obviously aren’t a fan of so u wanna make him out to be this completely vile monster that he isn’t. Im not saying hes some angelic nice guy victim who has never done anything wrong btw but your definitely making him out to be worse than he is.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with discord condemning villains because he was once a villain now your just making stuff up is starlight wrong for facing villains because she was a villain, NO there facing evil now that they are no longer evil. Discord now being a anti hero understands and realizes that evildoers on that level deserve to be punished, despite how wrathful he can be he let crysalsis go in s6, they all gave her a chance for example,“Together forever I cant think of anything they would want…less” which is a classic anti-hero move of TV tropes Paying Evil Unto Evil that’s wat u get evil bastards mindset basically. Not muhahaha now my pawns are out of way.
I hate Bronys

Well intented means meaning well it has nothing to do with the actions one does
What he meant to do was force four already defeated villains to work for him, give them the power to wreak havoc across Equestria and let them take the fall for the damage he caused, all for the sake of giving Twilight Sparkle a confidence boost she didn’t even appear to need.
He didn’t give em the power they stole it from him which didn’t allow him to be a safety net.
He literally sent them to retrieve it. As for him acting as a safety net, remember that everything Sombra did was done with his permission. The Elements of Harmony were destroyed and the whole population of Ponyville were brainwashed to serve him. Discord not only allowed that to happen, but intended it to.
They took the fall for there own actions because they decided to attempt to kill others and forcibly rule over them without remorse even before season 9.
Did you forget that Discord “was once” a villain? The fact that he’s condemning other villains for his plan only makes his actions more vile, since he should know what it’s like to be in their position. In any case, you’re contradicting your “safety net” point above.
Discord was not an Villain,he was an annoying Trickster
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).

In Treue fest
Well intented means meaning well it has nothing to do with the actions one does
What he meant to do was force four already defeated villains to work for him, give them the power to wreak havoc across Equestria and let them take the fall for the damage he caused, all for the sake of giving Twilight Sparkle a confidence boost she didn’t even appear to need.  
He didn’t give em the power they stole it from him which didn’t allow him to be a safety net.
He literally sent them to retrieve it. As for him acting as a safety net, remember that everything Sombra did was done with his permission. The Elements of Harmony were destroyed and the whole population of Ponyville were brainwashed to serve him. Discord not only allowed that to happen, but intended it to.  
They took the fall for there own actions because they decided to attempt to kill others and forcibly rule over them without remorse even before season 9.
Did you forget that Discord “was once” a villain? The fact that he’s condemning other villains for his plan only makes his actions more vile, since he should know what it’s like to be in their position. In any case, you’re contradicting your “safety net” point above.
Background Pony #1A1D
Well intented means meaning well it has nothing to do with the actions one does. He didn’t give em the power they stole it from him which didn’t allow him to be a safety net. They took the fall for there own actions because they decided to attempt to kill others and forcibly rule over them without remorse even before season 9.
Lunar Champion - Led the charge of major battles for the New Lunar Republic, bringing swift and crushing defeat to the forces of the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).

In Treue fest
Of all their crimes, Diamond Tiara’s is surely the vilest of them all: underage driving.
@Background Pony #20FB  
Well said.
@Background Pony #472B  
Judging by the approaching airship, it would seem he showed up late.
@Background Pony #1A1D  
What definition of “well-intended” includes forcing four already defeated villains to work for him, giving them the power to wreak havoc across Equestria and letting them take the fall for the damage he caused?
Background Pony #1A1D
@Background Pony #20FB  
If yur talking about s9 where he was tryna help his friend twilight in a well-intented but misguided attempt and consider him a villain for that yur retarded
I hate Bronys

@Loveslave of Nightmare Moon
*The best, you mean c:
Nö i don’t
Background Pony #472B
shouldn’t the storm king be in this?
Background Pony #11BE
@Loveslave of Nightmare Moon  
*The best, you mean c:
I hate Bronys

Sons of anarchy.
Sons AND Sisters of Anarchy
I hate Bronys

@Background Pony #7732
Nope. He is the worst villian of them all.
Chrysalis is worst
I hate Bronys

I hate Bronys

Background Pony #20FB
@Background Pony #7732  
Nope. He is the worst villian of them all.

Sons of anarchy.