Spike sang.
Applejack sang.
The CMC sang and it sounded great!
Celestia sang.
Scoots got an episode.
Cadance and Shining Armour came back (repeatedly)
Trixie came back.
Discord came back…
Fluttershy called Rainbow Dash “Dashie” ^^
Trixies episode was DARK, the timberwolves were scary and the Crystal Empire.
Twilight Sparkle doesn’t get magic right first time every time, because she’s a well written and REAL feeling character and not a mary sue.
Fluttershy is getting more confident.
Dashie shows her loyalty is more than just a thin veil over her actions.
Pinkie’s starting to learn when to not be crazy…. starting to…
Applejacks extended family explored, and she was shown with her immediate family more.
Rarity… didn’t get an episode… sadface :(
Fan pandering existed, but didn’t ruin everything
Slapstick existed, but didn’t ruin everything
great story, animation and songs continued to give a fantastic program a more sophisticated, heartwarming and intelegent program than the vast majority of TV programs these days.
Life is good, My Little Pony is good!
i liked all three seasons, my only problems with s3 were that there weren’t enough eps. king sombre wasn’t the villain he was built up to be (totaling less screen time than any of the ponies pets) and of course the last ep of s3 it just felt rushed. if it was a 2 parter then the problem would have taken longer to solve and the arc would’ve been more enjoyable.
still i enjoyed every ep and look forward to s4, which will hopefully be much longer and have more time for discord now he’s free and maybe bring more enemies to overcome.
I would alsop complain about the lack of Rarity episodes but the more I think about it the more I feel none of the ones after Suited for Success were able to really top that one (seriously that’s still my absolute favorite).
I are dissapointed with season 3….mostly cause it turns out Fluttershy becoming a dragon was just a rumor afterall what the hell? Wasn’t that going to be a thing?
I agree, I don’t rank the seasons as “best” and “worst.” I just focus on the arc of each season. Season 1 was about them becoming friends and learning about each other. Season 2 was about them becoming better through their friendships. Season 3 was about those friendships starting to lead them to success, most notably in the cases of Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle.
Some episodes were handled better than others, but on the whole I think all the seasons were enjoyable for what they conveyed. I’m very curious what will come from season 4.
Outside of the opener and the finale (which I don’t tend to like for rewatching in any of the seasons) the interim episodes were good. I think my only complaint is that there weren’t enough of ‘em!
Agree with OP there. Nice selection of snapshots to represent each ep.
I honestly don’t have a desire to rank any season as “best” or “worst”. The episodes are all so diverse even within a single season, and I appreciate each one for its own strengths. Here’s looking forward to more fun in S4!