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…by which I don’t mean that loose ends / plot holes is a good thing of course. lol.
Also TS’ wings did not move even once. I wonder if they hurt.
Taking bets how they are gonna explain away her wings in season 4, or if they will.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

TK has basically nailed it on the head. I guess I’ll throw in my 2 cents here. I don’t really care about the initial change in Twilight. The only thing I think that sucks about all of this, is the imbalance of the mane 6. We’ve had 2 unicorns, 2 earth, and 2 pegasai ponies. I’ve always liked that balance from the very start of the show.
It sucks how money and greed always wins in the end. I also think Hasbro is fucking stupid for not copyrighting the original looks of the mane 6 of g4, into a mass product that they could make considerably more money off of. I hope you all realize the real change for Twilight was for Hasbro to sell more toys, but I think anyone with half a brain could have realized this by now.
(Repost from another comment)
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I liked the songs and the musical style! FiM songs are usually pretty good.
It kinda felt like Magical Mystery Cure was its own episode and they slapped alicorn Twilight to the end of it.
They never explained what a “princess” was! Okay, so it is NOT a monarch but some sort of ascended pony, but noo details at all. It was kinda, let’s get those wings on her back over with and move on. lol
Enough loose canon (geddit?) for bronies to work with, which is good. That’s all that ultimately matters to me.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Show, I am disappoint.  
I did not have faith, and I was right not to.

I’ve already seen them trying to downplay the change in places, and they can do that all they want, but… well something DID change. Twilight used to be a fairly normal if somewhat exceptional individual that was a big part of her character. She was in allot of ways and everyman despite some unusual talents. That’s GONE now, you can’t act like she’s just any other pony anymore. She’s just not… she’s been placed above her friends she’s now “special”, and I don’t like that change.
Attempting to ignore this change is only going to make it worse, by making everyone question why it had to occur at all.
I don’t think the show is instantly ruined by this, but I do think this probably is where the show has jumped the shark. It smacks of a very poorly thought out and forced serial escalation by hasbro in a misguided attempt to push new toys. The end result of which is just going to be alienating a demographic with rather more money to waste then the little girls this is pandering too. When people outside a shows creative team start dictating really drastic changes out of left field it rarely bodes well, and I do think this was a forced change from above.
The new season is probably already mostly set and if not being produced already will be soon. Unless the plan was always to depower her, which I personally doubt now, this change is likely permanent. On it’s own it might not quite destroy the show, but I really do have a VERY bad feeling going forward now. This is the first time in this fandom that I’ve felt there has been a really grievous misstep by the shows creators.
I was open minded and didn’t prejudge, but having seen it now… they didn’t sell me. If this was a result of some large development arc, or the SERIES finale I might be okay with it, but just cramming it in and then trying to act like nothing has changed isn’t going to take, and I just can’t see enough potential interesting content this change allows to justify it happening. If there was any chance this would delve into politics or having to help run the kingdom and such, okay maybe that could be interesting, but we KNOW that’s not going to happen. Fanfics with this concept could do that to at least make it sorta interesting, but the show isn’t going too and that’s going to make the entire change seem so very pointless and forced.
The reason FiM worked I’ve always felt was because it felt like a coherent universe, not a gloried toy commercial. This is the first time I’ve really cringed and felt that this was just a naked attempt to push product, and that really, really upset me.
I’ll withhold judgment until the supposed wrap up of this story next seasons, but for the first time ever… I’m not optimistic. I really don’t think they can make this work or fix it short of reverting the changes, which I don’t think will happen.
Maybe the new season will have good stuff in, probably even, but with this pink elephant in the room. I don’t know I’ll ever be able to enjoy it quite as much as I used too.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

You’re probably right, but that’s part of the problem. The entire premise of this series is that being a kids’ show, being a little girls’ show, is no excuse for being stupid. This episode was just stupid. It was poorly thought-out, or poorly executed. Either way, I feel like you can’t think about it if you want to enjoy it. Just cheer for Twilight like the rest of the ponies are.
If this were the very first episode I had ever seen of the series, I’m almost certain I’d never give it a chance.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Upload King
The rejection of the idea that “eh, it’s a little kids show, they won’t know the differenct” is what made this show good in the first place.

Interesting opinion there, but I have to bring up the fact that this is still a show aimed for little kids, so nitpicking a show like this isn’t really gonna get you anywhere IMHO. Just take it at face value, Twilight becomes a princess and has to deal with new responsibilities. Period. case closed. See you in Season 4. IMHO the nuts and bolts of a story can always be changed, but the overall message in the most important thing.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

I am
It felt very rushed, there was a a song literally around every corner, and there was very little buildup to the finale, if at all. While I shouldn’t be too surprised, this episodes felt like it was written by and for little girls. I’ll admit to being disappointed at the quality of the season finale, but I’ll still enjoy the franchise for what it is, and not because a single episode let me down.
I still have doubts for season 4, however. Twilight Sparkle becoming a princess completely changes the dynamic between her mentor and her friends now, and I’m curious to see how Ms. Faust will handle it.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

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I love you.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Put Out to Pasture
Thank you. I really like comments like yours.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I can’t even begin to nitpick at this.
First off, I know that pretty much every story written in the history of ever is an excuse plot because technically nothing really needs to happen, but this was THE excuse plot of excuse plots. Nothing happened for any reason. Yeah, I know, Starswirl’s unfinished spell, blah blah blah, bullshit. The idea that any pony, especially the Mane 6, is so bullheaded and stupid that they’d blindly follow their cutie mark instead of their own rationale is insulting. The idea that the entire town falls apart with five ponies not doing their jobs is insulting. The resolution was fair, restore your cutie mark the same way you earned them. Which they got wrong, by the way. Rarity didn’t earn hers by finding rare gems, not making dresses. Rainbow Dash earned hers by racing and flying fast, not by clearing clouds. Applejack surely didn’t earn hers by working on the farm, because she’d have been doing that before leaving the farm. She earned it by realizing she belonged at home. And maybe, just maybe, they could have thrown in a Sonic Rainboom to make Pinkie Pie smile for the first time again.
The whole princess thing might have been passable if there were more to it than writing a new chapter–not even, just two lines–in the spellbook. Maybe some actual princess training, or maybe a hint when she was little that she’s destined to be a princess. Hooray, you learned that Friendship is Magic. Three goddamn years ago! But it doesn’t count because you didn’t put it in writing? That’s bullshit. It all happened way too easy, like it could have happened at any time with the slightest trigger. She didn’t even have to do it herself, Celestia did it for her, again, like she could have done it at any time to any pony she chose.
But that brings other questions. How did Celestia, Luna and Cadence becomes alicorns in the first place? Was Starswirl a princess, prince, alicorn, whatever? I mean, he/she/it wrote a shitload of magic. Starswirl should be royalty about a hundred times over. And the big question, what happens now? Considering that we hardly see our other THREE princesses as it is, does this mean less of Twilight? Or is the show gonna follow Twilight and cut out the rest of the Mane Six? Or is nothing at all gonna change and bring us back to my first point, that all of this happened for no reason whatsoever? Or are they gonna try to cram the princess life into what already goes on and turn it into a train wreck? I don’t like to say that change is bad, and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt because they’re paid writers and I’m not, but I don’t see anything good coming from this.
Oh, and way too much singing. And I hated the citizens’ reaction to everything, from the near-riot just because their village idiot went off to buck apples, to their open-arms reception of their third new princess in as many years. I don’t want to around blaming people, and I don’t even want to act like my opinion rules all. But this episode, at least in my eyes, was bad. Very bad.
Background Pony #2C67
It was decent and I can understand the fact that they made it a musical so that they can stuff everything in the span of 22 minutes and rushing things but kept a decent flow with music.
I give it a rating of: Pizza/10

If fanfic writers, FANFIC WRITERS, can come up with new scenarios for the Mane 6, then wouldn’t you think Studio B would have a few more ideas of their own?

I’m just amazed they pulled this off in 22 minutes, and kept all the feels intact!!!
As for what happens next, Princess Twilight Sparkle opens up the door to explore stories that deal with coming of age, having greater responsibilities, and being looked up upon as a role model for others, while at the same time staying true to who you are. For the show’s target audience, this will be very beneficial for them as they grow into adults. The show is growing up, and with all the learning that’s been going on the past three years, it was only natural that things got deeper and more complex. We saw this a bit this year when Rainbow Dash nearly gave up being a Wonderbolt, or when the CMC learned what bullying really meant.
To sum up, This episode was fantastic, and next season has the potential to be epic on many fronts. How does Twilight handle being a leader? Can she handle the added scrutiny of being a princess? What do her friends really think? Wouldn’t her new status put everyone she knows in grave danger? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg to possible episodes form Season 4. And I can’t wait!!!
TL;DR: The episode rocked, and Twilight’s new status can yield some excellent Season 4 fodder.
Background Pony #3CCE
Woah woah woah, hold up, everything possible?  
Haha not by a long shot! I can already think up at least 3-4 episodes regarding Alicorn Twilight.  
  1. Twilight doesn’t know how to be a princess and thinks that means.. FIX EVERYTHING, (see Lesson Zero except her thinking it’s her duty.)
  2. Twilight comes back to Ponyville and the town welcomes her back awkwardly… (Think famous movie star lives next door trying to have a normal life)
  3. Twilight’s friend treat her different due the fact she’s a princess.
  4. Twilight wonders if she cut out for this after the pressure sinks in.
    I know they sound terrible but that’s what I thought up in about 15 mins… on just Twilight alone.

I thought it was a good episode. A little rushed, and I still don’t like the idea of Twilight becoming an all-powerful god princess…but it made up for it with its beautiful animation and a decent story in between. Too many songs for my tastes, though; made it almost feel like a musical. I hate musicals.
Anyway, it was great to see Derpy again. Hopefully she’s here to stay. I’m only left wondering where the writers plan on taking FiM from here. In spite of what they claim, I doubt they’ll be able to keep the dynamic of the show exactly the same. Who knows?
I give it an 8/10
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

I was expecting a disaster but overall it’s pretty good. A 2 part episode’d be better but Twicorn could be an interesting thing in the next season.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Can't we all get along?
Good points:  
  • Nicely written, we truly believed in M.A. Larson.  
  • Handled well, considering it’s a 2-part episode condensed into one.  
  • Twilight in “heaven” scene was cool, complete with callbacks to the series. Celestia singing was nice.  
  • A few smart callbacks, e.g. Spike recommending Zecora’s cure (I like that the zebra’s acknowledged,,,), Luna’s appearance, etc.  
  • DERPYYY! :D Derp face, derp face, I love you…
    Bad points:  
  • Have a Song! Have a Song! Have a Song! Have a Song! Have a Song! Have a Song! Have a Song! The End!  
  • Not an awful lot of interaction going on.  
  • Didn’t answer an awful lot of questions (So, does she live in Canterlot now, or does she go back to her Ponyville library..? What’s she the princess of, exactly? Now that she’s a princess, her destiny, that the whole series has built up to, she’s going to… do what? etc.)  
  • Felt rushed, but that was inevitable.  
  • See, it would have been way better if that didn’t show us all those spoiler clips pre-episode…
Background Pony #F529
I feel this episode promotes supremacism.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Liquid pride, man. That’s all I can say. Liquid pride.

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The Fluffiest
No, I admit, the alicorn part didn’t feel forced.
The princess part still does, though. :I
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Felt like it was going 50 miles an hour from the get-go, felt like it was a great episode crowded in by a 10-minute seperate episode.  
That song at the middle was good though, effects were good, that spacey-dimensiony-ohgodwherearewe part oooh’d and ahhh’d me, Derpy’s back, and I’m a big fan of accidental implications of spontanious death.  
I enjoyed myself, still! So, seeya at Season 4~
Background Pony #309E
i luved it!!!!!!!!!!!  
and just when i thought that everything would be ruined  
instead it’s all gone fine now