Running near the farm, Lustre saw the postman who brought her an important letter. After thanking him, she brought the letter directly to her mother Twilight, as it was meant for her.
- “Who is it from?__ asked Applejack.
- From Starlight, said Twilight, she would like to know if Lustre will pass the entrance exam of the magic school to enroll her son, so our children would be in the same class.”
Twilight looked at her daughter perplexed.
- “I had already thought about it, but I do not feel any powerful magic in her. I don’t think she’s meant for this talent… expressed Twilight.
- I think we can give it a try ! proposed Applejack.
- You’re right, I’ll take her to Canterlot tomorrow morning !” replied Twilight, happy with the news.
Although Applejack was not reassured about Starlight and her passion for Twilight, she watched her daughter go to the big city. Lustre was not accustomed to these habits. She never left the farm, Canterlot was new to her. She looked at the shops with sparkling eyes! There was a time of wonderful things and the aisles smelled so good! Twilight took her to the castle to set her up in her room.
- “You will sleep in my old royal room, she explained to her daughter, if you have any problems, I will be in the next room.”
Lustre admired this room, which was so different from that of the farm. After unpacking her things, they left for the inscriptions. At every step Twilight took, the guards bowed down before her, to greet her, which perplexed Lustre. Seeing her questions, Twilight had to explain:
- “You know, I am not only a mother, but also a princess and my role is to govern Equestria. I chose to live on the farm with you and Applejack, but I have to come back from time to time to sort some stuff out.
- So I am also a princess ? asked Lustre.
- You have the title of princess, replied Twilight, but you cannot ascend the throne, this role belongs to the alicorns.”
Lustre nodded to show her understanding, as they finally arrived at the office.
The unicorn directing the inscriptions, put on glasses correctly, then turned to the next candidate.
- “Another child prodigy, I suppose, she exclaimed, you know, just because your child is a unicorn doesn’t necessarily mean it’s…”
She turned to the mother and stopped her sentence, noticing that she was speaking to the princess of friendship.
- “Oh…Princess…. she stuttered…I’m sure your daughter is as talented as you !”
Twilight sighed, then let go of a smile. She enrolled Lustre and then proposed her daughter to visit Canterlot, the exam starting only tomorrow. As they quietly walked toward the exit, they heard a loud scream.
They turned and saw Starlight running towards them, pulling her son with her.
- “Starlight, how surprising to see you here, said Twilight, raising her eyes to the skies.
- I just came to register my son for the exam, she said, Hermetism is a powerful unicorn, you know ? I’m sure he could become your little protégé !
- Starlight, a talent is not something you force, Twilight said, and then I heard that your son appreciated his new school and especially the choir option.
- Maybe, but I know that his real talent is magic!” Starlight became angry.
The unicorn took her son and ran to the office. Twilight and her daughter continued their way to the streets of Canterlot. After a crazy day discovering life in the big city, Lustre had no trouble falling asleep. The next day, arriving before the judges, the little filly panicked and just made an apple appear. Having been unable to hatch her egg, she was unfortunately rejected and returned to Ponyville with sadness. Twilight explained the situation to Applejack, who reassured her and offered to make compote like his great grandmother, Granny Smith. Lustre took great pleasure, so much pleasure that she made a big smile appear, along with a cutie mark.
- “I got my cutie mark !” Screamed Lustre.
Applejack shed a tear and took her daughter in her arms.
- “What does it mean ?” asked Lustre
Applejack took her hat and placed it on her daughter’s head.
- “That you’re a true Apple !” she said.