Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #11AE on image #2385425

Background Pony #11AE
"[@Background Pony #765B":](/images/2385425#comment_9117030

fine with any abuse as long as it come from a private company[/bq]

I dunno fam, you saying you would be totally okay with someone setting up a soapbox on YOUR front lawn, wearing a Nazi uniform and "Seig Heil!" saluting at everyone who passes by? How about putting up pro-Nazi signs in the lawn? Handing out antisemitic leaflets? Selling copies of Mein Kampf?

What about some other vile ideology that most of society has reached a strong consensus is abhorrent and unacceptable? Is your front yard the place for people to insist on holding their free-for-all of free expression, even of absolutely shitty things you know are wrong and that you disagree with completely?

Or, at some point, do you assert your right to control the messages that emanate from the platform that is YOUR property?
And how is that even censorship or "abuse" if those people can just go somewhere else and aren't being thrown in jail or otherwise suppressed by the government?
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #11AE