you’d have a link to the analysis device, which would have to be complex enough that it might as well be a second brain. but you’re right I’m not celestAI or anything. for all I know it could be possible to analyze something without interacting with it.
that’s the ideal way to do it. and how long it would run on both is probably a factor of whatever magical superscience is involved. I think it’s reasonable to assume that it would be part of the process to “copy” a brain into a computer, to connect them and run them both together.
Good point, if you were to expand their consciousness so that it was being run on both the computer and the brain and “shut off” the brain, then you would have effectively been moved from one place to the other
Losing track of your thoughts isn’t the same as your consciousness ceasing
2, even when sleeping(especially sleeping) or under anesthesia you’re still conscious, just to a reduces extent. more so when under anesthesia since you don’t dream
the same break in consciousness happens every time you lose track of your thoughts. same with sleeping, and general anesthesia. so if you’re gonna die anyway, you might as well upload the next you.
I mean, I can’t make any meme bucks off of it or anything. But if I’m the one who made it I think I have the right to point out the fact that I’m the one who made it.
the optimalverse… IRC server?
mailing list server?
website server?
XMPP server?
mumble server?
retroshare server?
or… as it will undoubtedly be, since you’re advertising it like that, it’s the optimalverse…
I like this because of how thoroughly it describes the idiotic futility of the non-uploader.
Part of the horror of FiO is that, for the vast majority of humans, this is an adequate description. Constantly telling ourselves happy little lies to stave off the terror of “leaders” who are not interested in our wants or needs beyond the fact that, if they keep us desperate yet coddled enough to keep us working at jobs that we hate, as we find our short lives in a brutal and uncaring universe wasted on things we would never choose.
Some of the best FiO stories have people pointing out that all the world governments had to do to survive CelestAI was change their approach and try to do a little better for their people: if they spent even a fraction of what they spent fighting her on doing that, humanity would’ve never gone along with its own extinction. Of course, the next awful question it brings up is whether humanity is even capable of self-leadership, or if we’re better off put into “permanent playtime” while a superior being like CelestAI takes care of actual decision making.
the teletransporter paradox is resolved when you consider mind melds. a person can be split into two copies, and the two can be rejoined into one, by merging their minds together.
that said, the process of uploading is the same as general anesthesia, or simply losing your train of thought. we’re constantly born anew every time we stop being distracted, our only link to the past being the memories we have access to. so it’s really not that hard to believe in.
what you should be wondering is whether it will bother running your consciousness, or how effectively you can connect to the network. you need a connection that can access all of your information, your memories, your thought processes, hormone levels, even your genetic code, and… that might not be technologically possible. it certainly won’t happen in our lifetimes. as for whether it would bother running you, well it depends on the superintelligence, but consciousness is interesting, history is important, and it wouldn’t be too computationally expensive if you were run at a much slower rate.
so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with fantasizing about uploading. not very realistic, but every other option is even less realistic.