Well no country is perfect, but Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, South Korea, and Canada are all better places than either China or the US, by several key metrics. Overall, those nations have better healthcare, more happiness, more civil liberties, less crime, cleaner air, less bigotry, and better infrastructure. The only thing I think the US does better than most of them on is hunting and self defense rights.
@Background Pony #2614
I said that people should not hate each other.
In the American mind, what the government does should not be blamed on them. After all, their president is elected, not like China, who has worked at the grassroots level or risen step by step from the grass-roots level. Many people can’t understand the Chinese people’s trust in the government and love for the country.(Some prejudiced people even think it’s “brainwashing”)
Respect cultural differences for better communication, unless you just want to vent your dissatisfaction.
Therefore, please also respect the love of the Chinese people for their country and government. @The Smiling Pony
@The Smiling Pony
I don’t know so much about foreign languages. But probably that phrase isn’t even better than my english, which isn’t that good.
According to some translator websites are you implying I’m a latino (or “spic” as muricans love to tag them) or a fan of chinese people/goverment by stating the truth? LMAO, you’re pretty funny.
@Background Pony Number 17
The blood on American hands is no less than that in China.Even more.
However, China’s reputation is far worse than that of the United States.
But you know, if you don’t agree with americans, then you’re a racist, homophobe, bigot, terrorist, etc. So, they’re the police of world and anyone who don’t obey to them and their agenda will be invaded, like most of Latin America and the middle east.
Oops, probably they’ll delete this comment. You know, ’murican democracy.
Have you considered that the fervorous nationalism and “grumpiness” of those “spamming” might have had something to do with the censorship and erasure of the country’s “past mistakes”, thus creating the false impression among the least informed that there simply were none and the country’s always been perfect lead by perfect men that have never been questioned, criticized, or failed in any way?
@The Smiling Pony
Maybe it’s because I use translation software. It’s not clear in expression.XP
We can also walk on any city street in China and talk about the latest policies.Unless:
1.Speak insults to national leaders.
For us, leaders are the face of the country.To insult a national leader is to slap a person in the face.What’s more, personal attacks are bad behavior.Nevertheless, your opposition and reprimand to the policy are allowed.
2.Metaphor for the past mistakes of the Communist Party of China.
I don’t think it’s good to mention the past mistakes over and over again. Some people who don’t have the ability to think alone will be incited.
(There are some more complex issues, such as rumors, which have little to do with politics. I will not narrate them.)
Everyone needs to be responsible for what they say.
As long as you speak online as usual, there will be no problem.(Network should not be excluded from the jurisdiction of law.)If you don’t want to comment, you don’t have to provide your own ID number to register.
As for our inability to access some websites… It’s a kind of protection for both sides.
(For example:As a result of the riots in Hong Kong, some Internet users from mainland China poured into Facebook to scold Taiwan Internet users.Facebook sealed their account.And Facebook claims they’re spammers from China.In fact, they’re just a bunch of grumpy people.They are really netizens from China.)
I’m not sure what you’re getting at here; how Trump got into power is fairly complex, but the fact is americans can openly walk through the streets of any US city or town and talk about how Trump is an awful president, and there are politicians that can actively campaign against him and his policies without any fear for their health or freedom.
Talking about his policies and actions being bad is irrelevant to that point, except to prove that it can be done without this site suddenly being banned in the US or it receiving a demand to hand over a poster’s ID.
@The Smiling Pony
However, the practical significance is not as great as we think…
I heard that Trump came to power because people are tired of politicians performing in front of the media.Trump broke that with Twitter.
But trump is not a reliable president.He told people not to wear masks.
They even assassinated generals of other countries without declaring war.It’s a terrible thing.
There are still slums in America, and they have no plans to eliminate them.The life of the lowest level people still hasn’t changed much.
Seems to be in a strange circle?What is the problem?If people are disgusted with the government, why not overthrow it?
Which President will people vote for in the next election?
I can assure you, no one hates the American government and power apparatus than Americans, and they are eager and proud to express their disdain and criticism open and freely. It’s one of many ways people even on the lowest rung of society can work to improve the condition of every citizen.
@Background Pony Number 17
Which country is not?In 2011, the United States suppressed The Occupy Wall Street March by force.Even using the military?
The way to bring freedom to other countries is to wage war?
Have you heard of “the US surveillance program prism”?
The blood on American hands is no less than that in China.Even more.
However, China’s reputation is far worse than that of the United States.
Many young people in Taiwan even discredit our mainland people.They pretend to be mainlanders and abuse on the Internet.
Now, China has begun to return to work gradually.
I hope you can take care of yourself.Try not to go out. Wear a mask when you go out.
After all, people should not hate each other.
(By the way, my English is terrible.I use translation software to communicate)
@Background Pony #BCA5
It’s really uncomfortable to make a long speech. Sometimes, if you make a mistake in operation, everything you write will be wasted.
I think about it seriously. No matter what I say, people like you will not seriously think about what we Chinese say.So I don’t want to type it again.
(It’s really an article full of political propaganda.
In a friendly manner, I’d like to send you a message .
“Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, but arrogance is.”——《The three body problem》)