3. the season finale is a plot similar to this. I mean switching Cutie Marks most likely change their interests
4. I think your thinking of anime dude. At least High School shows
Resurrection of a Former Villain from G1. Tirek or Grogar are prime candidates, or perhaps reveal Mr. Moochick as an actual villain all along.
Rarity has to host Pinkie Pie and her generosity is pushed to its limits before she discovers part of the truth of Pinkie’s past, and helps her overcome it.
Fluttershy meets a newcomer pegasus/unicorn who is shyer than she is, (voiced by Garrett Wong, of course), and helps him discover his own sense of self worth based on the lessons she has learned over the years with her friends.
Mare Do Well returns, but this time it isn’t the Mane 6, causing Rainbow Dash to feel betrayed by her friends and run away, prompting them to find her and figure out who is behind the return of Mare Do Well.
The Houyhnhnm arrive Ponyville, and attempt to conquer Equestria as they feel it has become too Yahooified, and it is up to the Mane 6 to convince them that a little Yahoo isn’t a bad thing…and failing that, end the threat by any means necessary.
1- A princesses episode.
2- Another episode in which Zecora is a central character.
3- A Big Macintosh episode.
4- Another Dragon Episode.
5- An episode about Fluttershy’s tramatic past.
1.) ‘Parents Visit’ Episode
-This season we got confirmation on two set of Parents. Rarity and Sweetie’s parents both live in Ponyville and have lakefront property. The Apple siblings’ parents were confirmed dead, and I commend Sibsy for her handling of this matter.
-What I want to see: Okay seriously Studio B, can we get confirmation that ‘Shy/Dash/Scootaloo even have parents? Because at this point I’m convinced that female pegasi are BORN FROM CLOUDS.
2.) Celestia and Luna Episode
-Was kinda disappointed that we didn’t get this one in S3.
3.) Body/Mind Swap Episode
-COME ON! There is more reason than ever for why this needs to happen. Imagine Twilight accidentally swapping her new ALICORN body with Pinkie’s and what could happen. The episode writes itself!
4.) Beach Episode
-It’s one of the ten commandments of cartoons (I think.). ‘Thou shalt have at least one beach episode during thy show’s run’
5.) CMC meet Manehatten CMC Episode
-Babs has been growing on me as a character, and this is the CMC episode that needs to happen before the series finale. This would also be the ‘Trip to Big City in Equestria whose name doesn’t begin with a ‘C’’ episode that we’ve been wanting.