Nothing wrong at all with the production value mate. It already is there, I just say again the plot points I called out reall y do need fixing and tweaking along with something else in akin to the "Cosmos Cosmetic Circlejerk" that you keep going with this comic.
Bring back Discord into this a bit so that I don't completely forget about him. Make Fluttershy more of the down to earth mare that she is normally instead of this unemotional dumb dunce of a discount draconequus.
And finally, try to keep the plot more invigorating by giving us something more than "13 reasons to hate history rewriting explanatory pieces for marysue.exe"
Perhaps there are still ponies alive out there surviving beyond this apacalypse.PerWhapset a Pcony SCP founldation exists out thery be uplotting to stop her from the sidelines.?
Emu War veteran..
Nothing wrong at all with the production value mate. It already is there, I just say again the plot points I called out reall y do need fixing and tweaking along with something else in akin to the "Cosmos Cosmetic Circlejerk" that you keep going with this comic.
Bring back Discord into this a bit so that I don't completely forget about him. Make Fluttershy more of the down to earth mare that she is normally instead of this unemotional dumb dunce of a discount draconequus.
And finally, try to keep the plot more invigorating by giving us something more than "13 reasons to hate history rewriting explanatory pieces for marysue.exe"
Perhaps there are still ponies alive out there surviving beyond this apacalypse.