Background Pony #B530
@Background Pony #B3F2  
Cause I still believe he knows exactly what he’s doing there and only treats her as a ‘friend’s because shes the most gullible and forgiving, so by keeping her on his side he makes the Elements useless against him.
Background Pony #B530
@Background Pony #B3F2  
Let’s face it. Discord doesn’t care. He has made it known, more than once, that he doesn’t give a damn about any of them, outside of Fluttershy, and even that has become debatable.
Background Pony #B530
@Beau Skunky  
Sorry , but the ‘good intentions ’ excuse doesn’t fly, when he didn’t bother to keep them under surveillance in some way in the first place.
That just goes beyond idiotic.
Background Pony #B99C
Well, Discord’s intentions were good
Background Pony #57E1
@Beau Skunky  
The ends don’t justify the means.
Background Pony #1AEA
Nasty huh?
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Blue whale
@Background Pony #6FCC  
Well, Discord’s intentions were good, (he just wanted to give Twilight the confidence to become Celestia & Luna’s successor) and in the end everything worked out, so it’s not really worth holding a grudge against a fictional character.
Background Pony #57E1
@Beau Skunky  
Maybe he wouldn’t be getting all this hate if the show staff hadn’t turned him into a complete idiot who caused all the bad things in the finale as well as the entire season, just so they could go “What a twist!”
Beau Skunky
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
Cool Crow - "Caw!" An awesome tagger
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Artist -

Blue whale
Yeesh, so much Discord hate. I miss the days when he was one of the most popular characters, and just considered a likeable, funny, jerk.
Background Pony #B530
@Background Pony #B3F2  
He helps Tirek, Messes with the map sending the Mane 6 into danger, torments Starlight and puts the kids in danger, tricks Dash into bringing what he knows is a dangerous creature to Hearts Warming and doesn’t help them with it after, lies about being sick to ruin Twilight and Cadences time together, ruins the Gala and almost banishes an innocent Treehugger to another dimension, has the nerve to not help with Sombra after causing the whole thing to begin with, purposely alienates Twilight, and the list goes on and on.
Background Pony #30D2
Haaave you ever met my friend Discord  
He’s the biggest dick in the whole wide world  
He’s a mean old dick and he has stupid hair  
He’s a dick dick dick dick dick dick dick  
Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick, he’s a stupid dick  
Discord is a dick, and he’s such a dirty dick!  
Background Pony #B530
Yeah. I really hate how they acted like he made up for his bullshit with 1 lucky shot. It definitely does not make up for single handily causing the whole thing to begin with and putting everypony in danger.
He’s already gotten off half a dozen times with absolutely no punishment already, the most prominent one being helping Tirek take over once already.
Background Pony #D8A1
Discord felt like a wasted character. I liked the whole he was behind everything reveal; (yes it was a dumb move but definitely in his character to do so imo) but still it felt like they didn’t really know what to do with him after he was reformed aside from being in a random epusode here and there and a few times in a premire and finale.