Fair enough, multiverse theory is something I have no problem with being a thing, with the alternate timelines and such (because seeing characters fight alternate versions of themselves can be fun, for one thing).
I think it would just be tragic, that scenario you said.
You cant deny though that alternate universes did exists, atleast on the IDW canon.
The OP pic shows Fluffle somehow goes into different universe and find the statue, and she actually adores it, ignorant of what it originally made from.
@Background Pony #E507
Oh, I adore the Chryssi from the Fluffle Puff series. She’s cute and sweet within the context of those videos - that story and relationship. But the Chrysalis from the show was too much of a bad girl for redemption. (⌐■_■)
Sadistic!Chrysalis is best Chrysalis, and it’s quite safe to say her canon self is compatible to that take on her.
She is the most interesting of those three villains, because she isn’t a sympathetic character, and feels the most thorough of them, if that makes any sense.
@Background Pony #E507
Lack of character development, perhaps, but I enjoyed how Chrysalis, more than all the other villains, was the most stubbornly resilient in her worldview until the bitter end. Wicked Chrysalis is best Chrysalis, in my opinion.
Even though Fluffle Puff Tales doesn’t fit in with what the actual show was doing with Chrysalis, I was toying with the idea of how Fluffle Puff would react to Chryssi being turned to stone forever. It really couldn’t have played out any other way. She loves her bug waifu forever and forever.
It’s a nice, bittersweet send-off to a fandom character. Here’s to you, Fluffle Puff. ( ´-´) ‾/