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Page 1058 - Casing the CaseI have issues with the way treasure is handled in D&D and tRPGs in general, but I’ve recently had more experience playing regular D&D campaigns, learning 5th Edition and whatnot, and I’m willing to admit it may just come down to a major difference in GMing style. I like giving out A Cool Thing as a reward way more than itemized vendor trash to be hoarded until the next more expensive tier of gear can be afforded, but that speeds up power creep.
Twilight Sparkle: Well, I think we’re all agreed! Let’s get those Elements.
Princess Celestia: Very well.
DM: At the end of the tower’s hall stands a grand, ornate vault door, nearly twice as tall as even Celestia. The Princess user her own horn as a key and channels a spell into the lock. Light fills every seam and symbol on the door’s patterns, and just as she takes a few steps back… FWOOSH. The door splits apart and swings open. Blinding magical light fills the hallway. As your eyes adjust, all you can really make out in the small room beyond is a pedestal, atop which is a bejeweled blue chest.
Rarity: Ahhhhh… Treasure chest… … This game has ruined me. My next thoughts were “Check for traps” and “How much are the jewels worth?”
Applejack: Same.
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